What to Wear, How to Sit and Where To Stand

You should wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and reflects your personality. At the same time, you shouldn’t be too casual in appearance. You should probably be at least “business casual,” since that is how much of your audience will be dressed. We recommend professional attire.

Stand on both legs so that your weight is evenly distributed. This provides you with a solid foundation. Keep your hands at your waist level in an open gesture. Movement, such as pacing around can add to your presentation, but it can also be distracting if it is not done naturally or done too often. Find two points in the room and make sure you stay within those points as you engage with the audience. Don’t turn your back to the audience.

Sit with your shoulders back to improve your posture. Make sure you are in a comfortable chair. Avoid swiveling or leaning back in the chair as you give your presentation.