Free Legal Assistance Offered, Celebrated Each October in Tennessee

Tennessee lawyers are joining their colleagues across the country to honor the work to increase the meaningful access to justice and commitment to pro bono work. October is “Celebrate Pro Bono Month,” an opportunity to provide free legal services to those in need and honor the good work performed by lawyers every day. Tennessee’s month-long celebration overlaps with the National Pro Bono Celebration, planned for the last week of the month.

The 2021 National Celebration of Pro Bono’s theme is "Moving Forward in a Post-Pandemic World." ABA President Reginald M. Turner announced the theme and asked that organizations and volunteers help respond to the “tremendous need” because “millions are vulnerable to eviction, unemployment, bankruptcy and other legal challenges exacerbated by the pandemic.” More information is available on the ABA Celebrate Pro Bono webpage.

Now in its 13th year, Tennessee’s statewide Celebrate Pro Bono initiative brings together legal services providers with local bar associations, law schools, law firms and individual volunteers to offer free services to those unable to afford a lawyer. This year hundreds of volunteers will participate in dozens of events and activities across the state that will offer assistance to Tennesseans in need. Planned activities include legal advice clinics, education programs, recognition celebrations and other events.

Every year, Tennessee lawyers help thousands of clients by providing free legal assistance. The month of October is an opportunity to focus attention on the significant need for pro bono services as well as a celebration of the outstanding work of those in the legal community who volunteer their services throughout the year. Events, including opportunities to volunteer, will be promoted in TBA Today, via social media and on the TBA website throughout October. If you have information on an event, please share it with TBA.

2021 Celebrate Pro Bono Month Events

Celebrate Pro Bono Month events will be promoted in TBA Today and on the TBA website throughout the month. 


National Pro Bono Celebration –

Share information about upcoming events with TBA –    

Pro Bono Recognition Programs

Tennessee Supreme Court Pro Bono Recognition Program for Attorneys, Law Students & Firms

The Tennessee Supreme Court launched an initiative in 2014 to honor attorneys and law students who complete 50 or more hours of pro bono service each year. Those who meet the goal are named “Attorney for Justice” or “Law Student for Justice” by the court, are listed online and are honored at events across the state. Law firms that averaged 50 or more hours of pro bono service per attorney also may apply for recognition. The program is entirely voluntary and based on self-reporting using individual attorney annual registration or via application with the AOC. Attorneys and law offices recognized for their pro bono service are listed on the Tennessee Supreme Court's Access to Justice website. Applications for the 2022 recognition program will be available in late spring. 

Attorneys and Law Students being recognized as 2021 Attorneys for Justice and 2021 Law Students for Justice are invited to submit information, a photo, and a story of their pro bono work to be recognized virtually in the upcoming months. Click here to submit information, a photo, and a story of pro bono.


ABC - Arts & Business Council (Nashville)

ATJ - Access to Justice

AWA - Association for Women Attorneys

CLC - Community Legal Center (Memphis)

JFON - Justice for Our Neighbors

KBA - Knoxville Bar Association

LAVPA - Legal Assistance Volunteers for Patent Applicants

LAET - Legal Aid of East Tennessee

LAS - Legal Aid Society of Middle TN & the Cumberlands

MALS - Memphis Area Legal Services

MBA - Memphis Bar Association

MNPS - Metro Nashville Public Schools

NBA - Nashville Bar Association

NBF - Nashville Bar Foundation

OSDTN - Operation Stand Down - Tennessee

PB&F - Pro Bono & Faith Days (TFJA)

TALS - Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services

TBA - Tennessee Bar Association

TBA YLD - Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyers Division

TCAD - Tennessee Commission on Aging & Disability

TFJA - Tennessee Faith & Justice Alliance

TJC - Tennessee Justice Center

VLPA - Volunteer Lawyers & Professionals for the Arts (A Program of the Arts & Business Council)

YLA - Young Lawyers Association

YLD - Young Lawyers Division