Sponsoring TBA Programs & Events

The Tennessee Bar Association hosts a number of programs and events throughout the year that provide opportunities for sponsors and exhibitors. Our most popular events are listed below. The TBA also accepts advertising in its print magazine, the Tennessee Bar Journal, on its website and in Section newsletters and webpages. Learn more about advertising here.

TBA CLE Programs

The TBA offers close to 100 continuing legal education programs throughout the year, drawing several thousand attorneys from across Tennessee. This is an excellent opportunity to reach an audience in a particular practice area with a product geared to their needs. Most of these programs are produced by one of the TBA’s 33 Sections — specialized groups that focus on a particular legal or practice area. Sponsors have the opportunity to meet, mix and mingle with attendees, either from an exhibit table or during breaks or lunches. Sponsorship prices vary by program size and format and generally include options for sponsoring breaks, meals, materials and wifi. Virtual sponsorships also are available.

TBA Annual Convention

The TBA each year hosts the largest annual gathering of the Tennessee legal community. This event features joint programming with the Tennessee Judicial Conference, the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association, the Tennessee Association of Black Lawyers and the Tennessee Lawyers Association for Women, allowing sponsors to interact with a larger group of lawyers and judges at several events throughout the week. A variety of sponsorship packages allow participation at multiple levels, ranging from hosting exhibit space to sponsorship of major luncheons, social events or programming. Virtual sponsorships also are available.

Admission Ceremonies

Two times each year (in June and November) new attorneys are welcomed to the profession at ceremonies hosted by the Tennessee Supreme Court. The TBA is the official host for these events in Nashville, providing programs, official photos and a welcome reception for new admittees and their families. These welcome receptions provide sponsors an opportunity to meet and establish a relationship with attorneys as they are just beginning their professional career.

State High School Mock Trial Championship

The TBA hosts the annual state high school mock trial championship competition each March, bringing together hundreds of high school students and their families for a weekend of mock trial madness in Nashville. Sponsors can show their support for these high-achieving students and the young lawyers who host the competition at this exciting event with a variety of sponsorship opportunities.

For more information on any of these opportunities please contact
TBA Advertising & Sponsorship Coordinator Stacey Shrader Joslin
at sshraderjoslin@tnbar.org or 615-277-3211