Doing Your Part – Preparation Quick Tips

When you are asked to speak, make sure it is a practice area you are comfortable with and that you have the time to commit to giving the presentation. Find out all you can about the program and attendees.

Before the program, let your firm know you are speaking and share the program information on social networking sites.

Practice your presentation. You don’t need to memorize your speech or read your notes, but be familiar with your talking points and learning objectives.

Complete your written materials well in advance so that they may be copied and made available for attendees.

Make sure you know where to park if the venue is new and know the location and room in which you will be presenting.

On the day of the program, make sure you arrive early to connect with attendees. Get familiar with the room and set up your presentation in time. If you know someone attending the program, be sure to connect with him or her before the presentation. This will make you feel more at ease and comfortable.

Make sure you connect with the location’s IT staff for all your needs.

Don’t run off right after your presentation. Be available to answer questions after the program and meet some of the attendees.