• Travel Reimburssement

    Travel Reimbursement Policies

    Travel reimbursement policies, procedures and reimbursement forms for the Tennessee Bar Association and the Tennessee Legal Community Foundation. 

  • Weather Policy

    Inclement Weather Policy

    The TBA makes every effort to maintain normal working hours and responses during periods of inclement weather in order to continue providing services to TBA Members and the community. However, in the interest of staff and volunteer safety, a determination may be made to close the office and/or cancel events depending on the seriousness of weather conditions.

  • COVID Policy

    COVID-19 Safety Acknowledgement – Liability Waiver and Release of Claims

    The nature of COVID-19 is such that CDC and other governmental guidance can change quickly. The Tennessee Bar Association (“TBA”) will monitor this guidance and, when appropriate, institute such measures as social distancing and the wearing of approved face coverings. Because COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is spread mainly from person-to-person contact, the TBA cannot guarantee that its participants, volunteers, partners, or others in attendance are not or will not become infected with COVID-19.

    In light of the highly contagious nature of COVID-19, individuals attending a TBA event should review all relevant guidelines and mandates from federal, state and local governments to determine if they should participate in any live event. The TBA will monitor federal, state and local requirements and follow the most stringent guidelines in place at the time of the event. Read the full policy.