2025 Competition Details

The 2025 Tennessee High School Mock Trial Competition will take place in Nashville March 21-22, 2025. The winning team will represent the state at the National  High School Mock Trial Competition in Phoenix, Arizona, May 8-10, 2025. Click here for more information.

Sign up for Email Updates

To be added to the TBA’s email distribution list for competition information and case updates, sign up here.


Map of Competition Districts

The state is divided into 14 districts for preliminary district competitions. Winners of each district competition will advance to the state competition. Download a map of the districts or see the list here.


Championship Round Videos

Want to see what some of the state’s best teams look like in action? Check out past competitions on the TBA's YouTube Channel


National Competition

Tennessee’s state mock trial champion is eligible to participate in the National High School Mock Trial Championship, which is held each May. Visit the organization's website to see past winners, a sample case database and a list of state mock trial coordinators. Connect with the group on Facebook or follow it on Twitter. See here for the national competition's Highly Communicable Infectious Disease Policy.



Donations of any amount can always be made to the Mock Trial program. Funds donated to the Mock Trial Fund account will be used to subsidize the cost of attending the state mock trial competition for lower-income or rural schools. You can donate on the online payment portal or make your checks payable to Tennessee Legal Community Foundation and note "Mock Trial Fund" in the memo line. Send checks to Tennessee Bar Association, 3310 West End Avenue, Suite 590, Nashville, TN 37203.