
TBA committees are actively engaged in serving the public, strengthening the profession and ensuring the association remains strong and well connected to lawyers across the state. Learn more about each TBA committee by following the links below.


  • ABA

    ABA Resource Committee

    The ABA Resource Committee provides connections to and resources from the American Bar Association. 

  • Access to Justice

    Access to Justice Committee

    The Access to Justice Committee develops and implements policy and initiatives to assist lawyers, the organized bar, law schools, legal services organizations and pro bono programs in providing meaningful access to the justice system for poor, vulnerable and underserved individuals.

  • AI

    AI Task Force

    The AI Task Force works to explore the intersection of AI and the legal profession by driving initiatives to ensure that Tennessee attorneys are well-equipped to navigate the evolving landscape of AI technology.

  • Attorney Well Being

    Attorney Well Being Committee

    This committee works to enhance the understanding of issues associated with attorney well being through education and other awareness activities. The committee also explores programs, accumulates data and provides analysis to enhance attorney well being.

  • CLE

    CLE Committee

    The CLE Committee works to provide quality continuing legal education services to Tennessee attorneys.

  • Committee on Racial & Ethnic Diversity

    This committee works to increase racial and ethnic diversity in the legal profession by engaging in activities that promote the profession in the pipeline, promote recruitment of diverse professionals, and help develop diverse individuals within the profession.

  • Diversity Task Force

    The Diversity Task Force's mission is to enhance the recruitment, retention, investment and advancement of diverse individuals in the membership and the leadership levels of the Tennessee Bar Association and the legal profession within the various communities that the association serves.

  • Ethics & Professional Responsibility Committee

    This committee works to update and revise the Tennessee Rules of Professional Conduct that were patterned after the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. The current revisions to the rules went into effect on January 1, 2011.

  • Government Affairs Committee

    The TBA Government Affairs Committee is involved in one of the core missions of the association, advocacy for the profession and for our system of justice.

  • Leadership Law

    Leadership Law Steering Committee

    This committee works with the annually selected leadership class members to equip them with the vision, knowledge and skills necessary to serve as leaders in the profession and in the community as a whole.

  • Mentoring

    Mentoring Committee

    This committee runs the TBA's Mentoring Program, which matches mentors with mentees and provides resources to guide the mentoring relationship.

  • Public Education Committee

    The focus of the Public Education Committee is to develop an array of educational outreach programs for students and adults designed to improve public awareness of the law and our legal system and enhance the public perception of the profession.