Ways to Connect and Network

Having connections in various areas of the law is important in developing and maintaining your law practice. Creating new connections increases your odds of making those contacts that lead to more business, establishing referral partners, and introductions to potential key clients.

One of the biggest benefits of being a CLE speaker is that it puts you in a position to network and connect with all attendees, both professionally and personally.

Maximize Your Time
Come early, and don’t rush out the door. You have already taken time out of your day to give your presentation. Be sure to maximize your time. Arrive early and reconnect with attendees that you know, or meet someone new. Stay for questions after your presentation. And be sure to bring along extra business cards!

Be Approachable
Before and after your presentation, make yourself approachable. Stand by areas where people tend to linger so that they can approach you. Smile, and make sure you don’t look like you are trying to rush out the door.

Introduce Others
A great way to connect is to share your contacts with others. Introduce someone. This will build your connections and strengthen your relationships. It helps others see you as a resource.

Other Faculty
Make sure to connect with other faculty members before or after the program. If you share a topic with another presenter, this is a great opportunity to work together and make a good impression. If you do not share a topic and were able to attend another speaker’s presentation, use this as an introduction. If you missed the presentation, be sure to send them an email letting them know that you wished you could have attended.