Application Process for 2021-2022 Leadership Positions


The Young Lawyers Division of the Tennessee Bar Association is excited to formally announce the opening of the 2021-2022 leadership appointment process.  We are pleased that you are considering an application for an appointed position as we seek to engage in an unprecedented number of public service and public education activities while delivering excellent programming to young lawyers across the State of Tennessee and beyond. 


How to Apply:

1) Familiarize yourself with the 2021-2022 YLD committees and programming initiatives (below), along with the appointed positions available.  

2) Confirm your eligibility for an appointment.

3) Complete an online application by the Feb. 28, 2021 deadline.


You must be a TBA member to receive an appointment. Most TBA YLD appointments are reserved for “young lawyers,” meaning lawyers admitted to practice within the past five years or who will be younger than 36 years old as of June 2021. 


 If you are selected to serve in an appointed position, you will be reimbursed for your attendance at all of the aforementioned YLD events/activities, subject to the TBA YLD Reimbursement Policy.

Available Appointed Positions:

  • Access to Justice Coordinator
  • Public Service Committee Chair
  • Member Services Committee Chair
  • Law School Outreach Coordinator
  • New Attorney Liaisons - West, Middle & East
  • Diversity Committee Chair
  • Diversity Leadership Institute Coordinator
  • Mock Trial Committee Chair
  • Mock Trial Committee Vice Chair
  • CLE Committee Chair
  • Publications Committee Chair & Editor of Tennessee Young Lawyer
  • Social Media & Podcast Coordinator
  • Sponsorship & Grants Coordinator
  • Health & Wellness Coordinator



Public Service Committee

The Young Lawyers Division’s Public Service Committee exists to support the initiatives of the Division in this arena.  As the TBA’s “public service arm,” the YLD prides itself in the annual public service work championed by District Representatives across the state.  This year, the Committee will continue in its support of the Reps, as we aim to facilitate a significant public service project in every district that will reach an underrepresented population’s legal needs. AVAILABLE POSITION: Public Service Committee Chair, committee members

Membership Services Committee

The Membership Committee of the Young Lawyer Division serves as a member-generating engine of the TBA.  This year, our approach will be focused on outreach to all law schools located within the state and beyond, liaising with all new attorneys as they transition from law school into practice in a concierge-type manner, and planning member networking events across the state for young attorneys. AVAILABLE POSITIONS: Member Services Committee Chair, Law School Outreach Coordinator, New Attorney Liaisons - West, Middle & East, committee members

Diversity Committee

The purpose of the Diversity Committee of the Young Lawyers Division is to promote diversity in the legal profession, specifically within the young lawyer context.  The main focus of the Committee is coordination of the award-winning Diversity Leadership Institute (DLI).  DLI is a six-month leadership and mentoring program for Tennessee law students in their second, third or fourth years of study.  Now in its eleventh year, the program is designed to develop skills to succeed as a law student and attorney, empower students to contribute more to the legal community, match students to mentors in a diverse variety of practice areas; and build relationships among students of diverse backgrounds.  AVAILABLE POSITIONS: Diversity Committee Chair, Diversity Leadership Institute Coordinator, committee members

Mock Trial Committee

The Young Lawyers Division’s Mock Trial Committee is charges with the gigantic task of producing the Tennessee State High School Mock Trial Competition.  The Tennessee State High School Mock Trial Competition strives to give students a fuller understanding of the American justice system by allowing them to experience the legal process first hand. Through role playing as lawyers, witnesses, plaintiffs and defendants, students develop an awareness and appreciation for the mechanism our society has chosen to resolve its disputes. Some students even have been known to choose a career in law based on their mock trial experience. The Tennessee High School Mock Trial Competition is organized, hosted and judged by members of the Division. AVAILABLE POSITIONS: Mock Trial Committee Chair, Mock Trial Committee Vice Chair, Mock Trial Long Range Planning Coordinator, committee members**

CLE Committee

The Young Lawyers Division’s Continuing Legal Education Committee exists to facilitate continuing legal education opportunities to young lawyers across the state.  This year, the Committee will continue in its mission, as we aim to facilitate a significant amount of CLE opportunities in each Grand Division targeted in topic areas of interest to young lawyers.  Along with an Executive Committee Liaison, the Committee will be assembled through the appointment process consisting of the following positions.  AVAILABLE POSITIONS: CLE Committee Chair, CLE Committee Vice Chair, committee members***

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee of the Young Lawyers Division is devoting to both communicating amongst the young lawyers across the state regarding events, initiatives, and membership benefits, as well as externally extolling the achievements and knowledge of its members and activities through which the public may be served. The Committee will be charged with publishing its bi-weekly email news blast to young lawyers called Tennessee Young Lawyer (formerly known as the monthly E-DICT email), facilitate a robust social media presence across all platforms, capitalize on press outreach opportunities, and ensure the presence of pieces authored by Division members in national publications and outlets. AVAILABLE POSITIONS: Publications Committee Chair & Editor of Tennessee Young Lawyer, Social Media & Podcast Coordinator, committee members

Other Appointed Positions Available

Sponsorship & Grants Coordinator 

The Sponsor Coordinator will be charged with representing the Division in securing sponsorships for the programs including, the Diversity Leadership Institute, Wills for Heroes ON DEMAND, Tennessee State High School Mock Trial Competition, Continuing Legal Education events, and regional membership events.  AVAILABLE POSITION: Sponsorship & Grant Coordinator