Programs for Young Lawyers

"Welcome to Tennessee" Resources
The TBA YLD is committed to providing members with practical resources that increase their membership value. The "Welcome to Tennessee Basket" offers a range of standard forms, helpful links, and suggested reading and practice guides. Be sure to be logged into your TBA account to check it out. If you have a really great form that you use on a regular basis and that you think other young lawyers could benefit from, we ask that you upload it to this link. You do not have to have personally created the form (although, if you did not create it, it does need to be either publicly available or a form you have permission to share). The form could be one that you frequently access online or one provided by the AOC for your practice area. We will go through all forms to review and edit for quality and formatting. Have another resource? Send it to YLD Coordinator Laura Labenberg.

Speaker Database
The TBA YLD values and seeks to promote diverse and inclusive participation in all TBA educational programs. The TBA YLD asks for your recommendations to help identify new, dynamic and diverse speaking talent that might not yet be known on a state-wide level. This databse may also be used for additional TBA conferences, panels, seminars, and events. Sign up here to be included.

Guardian Ad Litem Program
Practice materials for Guardian Ad Litem essentials. The mission of this program is to provide tools to help our young lawyers serve underrepresented youth, regardless of their practice area. Click here for more resources.


Programs for Law Students

Beyond The Bar Exam: Resources & Opportunities for Those Who Do Not Pass
The TBA YLD is committed to helping those who were not successful on their bar exam. We recommend you read this resource guide to receive encouragement and information on what to do next.

Diversity Leadership Institute
The Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyers Division's Diversity Leadership Institute (DLI) is a six-month leadership and mentoring program for Tennessee law students in their second, third or fourth years of study. The program is designed to:

  • Develop skills to succeed as a law student and attorney;
  • Empower students to contribute more to the legal community;
  • Match students to mentors in a diverse variety of practice areas; and
  • Build relationships among students of diverse backgrounds


Pro Bono Projects

Essential Documents for Essential Workers
The TBA YLD is offering an "Essential Documents for Essential Workers" clinic this year to help first responders, health care workers and others provide for end-of-life planning through wills, advance directives and powers of attorney. To learn more or request a clinic in your area contact Matt Knable at

Expungement Clinics
Expungement clinics help those with low-level criminal convictions remove criminal histories from their records and restore their voting rights. For more information on clinics contact


Programs for High School Students

The Tennessee State High School Mock Trial Competition
The Mock Trial Competition strives to give students a fuller understanding of the American justice system by allowing them to experience the legal process first hand. Through role playing as lawyers, witnesses, plaintiffs and defendants, students develop an awareness and appreciation for the mechanism our society has chosen to resolve its disputes. Some students even have been known to choose a career in law based on their mock trial experience. The Tennessee High School Mock Trial Competition is organized, hosted and judged by members of the Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyers Division (YLD). As a public service project of the YLD, there is no charge for teams to compete in the state mock trial competition.

Diversity Law Week
Diversity Law week gives high school students the opportunity to visit a local courthouse, shadow and engage with practicing attorneys or judges, visit a college or law school campus, and participate in programming designed to expose them to the theory and practice of law. Diversity Law Week will offer participants a one-of-a-kind experience and an invaluable roadmap for becoming a lawyer. This opportunity is open to high school students of all grade levels throughoout Tennessee. Interested students should apply through this form for the 2024 program. The deadline date for the student application is February 16 at 5 p.m. CST. If you are interested in volunteering for this program apply through this form.