The Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyers Division's Diversity Leadership Institute (DLI) is a six-month leadership and mentoring program for Tennessee law students in their second, third or fourth years of study. The program is designed to:

  • Develop skills to succeed as a law student and attorney;
  • Empower students to contribute more to the legal community;
  • Match students to mentors in a diverse variety of practice areas; and
  • Build relationships among students of diverse backgrounds

Class size is limited to a total of 12-15 students selected from across the state. The goal of the program is to have a diverse class, so selection is based in part on race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, background, geographical factors and law schools attended.

Apply here for the Diversity Leadership Institute Class of 2025

Program Description

The Diversity Leadership Institute program (DLI) begins with an opening retreat in January. Attendance is required. At the retreat, participants get to know fellow class members, are introduced to leadership and diversity concepts to be explored throughout the program, and have the opportunity to network with Tennessee lawyers and TBA Leadership.  
Class members also meet during the State High School Mock Trial Competition in March. Again, attendance is required. *If selected for the program and taking the MPRE in March, class members agree to register for a testing location in Nashville and take the test Saturday morning after attending the DLI programming on Friday.
During the six-month leadership program, participants will be required to have two meetings with a selected or assigned mentor, complete at least one community service activity as a group and attend two continuing legal education seminars, at least one of which should focus on a topic related to diversity. To help participants meet these requirements — and network with practicing lawyers in their local area — class members will be invited to attend public service projects, educational seminars and membership events planned by the TBA YLD. Participants also are encouraged to get involved in activities sponsored by their local bar associations as a way to meet these requirements.
The Diversity Leadership Institute program concludes at the TBA convention in June. Attendance is required. At the convention, participants will have their graduation ceremony, have the opportunity to network with Tennessee lawyers and TBA leadership and participate in a community service project.
There are no costs to participate in the DLI program.  Participants will be reimbursed for mileage to the three meetings and be provided double room hotel accommodations and meals.


  • Applicants must be enrolled in a Tennessee law school, and must be in their second, third or fourth year of study.

Program Requirements

  • Participants must attend three meetings during the six-month program. FYI: Dates may conflict with MPRE test dates. If selected for the program and taking the MPRE in March, you agree to register for a testing location in Nashville and take the test Saturday morning after attending the DLI programming on Friday.

  • Participants must attend two CLEs during the 6-month period, with one of the two related to diversity. TBA-sponsored CLEs are free to TBA law student members. 
  • Participants must meet monthly with their selected or assigned mentor during the six-month period. 
  • Participants must complete at least one community service activity. 

Application Process

Applicants must complete an online application. The application includes several general questions, a place to upload a resume and three essay questions. Applicants must attend a mandatory Zoom meeting on November 6 at 5:30 p.m. CDT. Click here for the application.

Submission Process

The deadline for applying is 5 p.m. CST November 3.

The mandatory information meeting is 5:30 p.m. CDT November 6 on Zoom.

The Selection Committee will notify participants of its decisions by the middle of November.

Key Program Dates

The following timeline provides a summary of the key dates for mandatory, in-person meetings. The schedule calls for the class to meet for an opening session in January where participants will get to know fellow class members, be introduced to leadership and diversity concepts to be explored throughout the program and have the opportunity to network with Tennessee lawyers and TBA leaders. Class members also will meet during the State High School Mock Trial Competition in March in Nashville. The program will conclude with a final session, service project and graduation ceremony in June during the TBA Annual Convention.

November Student applications due by 5 p.m. CDT November 3
November Meeting for all applicants November 6 at 5:30 p.m. CST (on Zoom)
January Opening Session, Nashville  January 17-18 (mandatory)
March Mock Trial Competition, Nashville  March 21-22 (mandatory)
May All CLE and mentor requirements completed
June TBA Convention, class service project, graduation, Franklin, June 13-14 (mandatory)







If you have questions about the DLI Program or its requirements, please contact DLI Coordinators Brande Boyd at or Cole Harrell-Morris If you have technical questions about filling out the application, please contact TBA staff member Laura Labenberg at