Find Lawyers to Connect With

The TBA makes it easy for you to search our membership -- the largest legal network in Tennessee. Find lawyers in your city or by Section (practice area) membership. 

Member Search

Volunteer and Network as a CLE Speaker

Theres no better way to network, establish your expertise and meet other practitioners than to volunteer as a TBA CLE Speaker. TBA is the #1 provider in the state and members can volunteer to speak or assist with producing and planning programs. 

Join the CLE Faculty

Find or Become a Mentor

The TBA Mentoring Program is designed to foster mutually beneficial relationships between the participating attorneys, reduce the isolation experienced by some beginning attorneys, and to generally benefit the legal profession as a whole. Members can participate in mentoring opportunities that include events, programs, access to practice area resources and traditional mentoring matches.

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Volunteer for a TBA Committee Position

TBA committees are actively engaged in serving the public, strengthening the profession and ensuring the association remains strong and well connected to lawyers across the state. Volunteering for a Committee is a great way to expand your network with lawyers of similar interest. 

About Committees  Volunteer

Get Involved with Access to Justice

The Access to Justice Committee develops and implements policy and initiatives to assist lawyers, the organized bar, law schools, legal services organizations & pro bono programs in providing access to the justice system for the poor & marginalized. 

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