Why Advertise with the TBA?

Advertising opportunities are available in a number of TBA's electronic and print publications, including the flagship Tennessee Bar Journal, on TBA.org, in the TBJ Select e-newsletter and many Section Connect e-newsletters. Below is more information about these publications. Contact us at advertising@tnbar.org or 615-383-7421 for more details or to place an ad.

• Tennessee Bar Journal
• Online Advertising
• TBJ Select E-Newsletter
• TBA Podcasts
• Advertising with TBA Sections
• Advertising Agreement

Tennessee Bar Journal

When you advertise in the Tennessee Bar Journal you reach a select group of high-income professionals who value the publication’s use and accessibility. This is a magazine that arrives in the offices of many of the state’s top legal professionals and remains there as a resource that is used over and over again. For advertisers, this is a home run — a publication that is well received and well used by an attractive audience. The Journal is published six times a year. Here’s what the Journal can provide to you as an advertiser:

  • A market with spending power. Nearly half of Journal readers have an income above $100,000, with 12% earning over $200,000.
  • A market centered in Tennessee cities. Most of the Journal’s readers (63%) work in the state’s urban areas, while another 29% are in rural areas. The largest concentration of these readers are in Nashville (26% of the total circulation), but there are also substantial numbers in Memphis (16%), Knoxville (12%) and Chattanooga (9%).
  • A market that appreciates and uses the Tennessee Bar Journal. As the official publication of the Tennessee Bar Association, the Journal reaches more than 12,000 members of the voluntary organization. In a recent survey, TBA members rated the award-winning Journal as both highly accessible and highly useful. In fact, members rated it as the top service they receive from the TBA. That’s largely because the Journal maintains high standards, reflecting the professionalism of the legal community.
  • A market that is diverse. The Journal reaches Tennessee lawyers early in their practice as well as those who are well established. The majority of Journal readers are between 35 and 55 years old (57%), with those 35 or younger making up 17%.

Types of Ads

Print ads are offered in four sizes: full page, half page (horizontal only), one-third page (horizontal, vertical or square), and one-sixth page (horizontal or vertical) and three premier placements: inside front cover, inside back cover and back cover.

Advertorials — The TBA accepts article-length Advertorials on topics that help lawyers in the practice of law. These full page ads should run no more than 750 words and explain a trending topic or demonstrate industry knowledge in areas important to attorneys. Advertorials should read like an informative article written by an expert on the subject, without an emphasis on the company or product. This opportunity positions authors and companies as a credible resource and valuable partner. A color headshot of the author and the company logo can be included as well.

Insert Ads — Please call for a quote on insert rates for bind-ins or preprinted inserts, delivered to the printer folded, untrimmed and unstitched. Send four copies of the insert for mechanical review when reserving space. Space must be confirmed six weeks before the cover date.

Professional Announcements — Designed specifically for the legal community, professional announcements acknowledge firms' new hires, new partners, awards, relocations or mergers. Professional announcements also may be used to recognize a lawyer's outstanding achievements or awards. See the chart below for information on rates and sizes. Special pricing is offered as a service to the legal community.

Print Ad Pricing

Price Per Issue
Price Per Issue for 1 Issue
Price Per Issue for 3 Issues
Price Per Issue for 6 Issues
Full Page - Back Cover (requires annual contract)
Full Page - Inside Front or Inside Back Cover
(annual contract given preference)
Full Page
Half Page (horizontal only)
One-Third Page (horizontal, vertical or square)
One-Sixth Page (horizontal or vertical)

Professional Announcement Pricing

For Law Firms & Legal Organizations Only
Ad Sizes Price for Per Issue
Full Page
Half Page (horizontal only)
One-Third Page (horizontal, vertical or square)
One-Sixth Page (horizontal or vertical)

Print Ad Materials & Mailing Dates

Issue Date Materials Deadlines Target Mail Date
January/February 2024 November 30, 2023 December 25, 2023
March/April 2024 January 31, 2024 February 26, 2024
May/June 2024 March 29, 2024 April 24, 2024
July/August 2024 May 31, 2024 June 26, 2024
September/October 2024 July 31, 2024 August 28, 2024
November/December 2024 Sept. 30, 2024 October 28, 2024
January/February 2025 November 29, 2024 December 26, 2024

Print Ad Specs & Sizes

  • Please submit ads electronically.
  • We accept print ads in PDF, EPS or TIFF formats. Ads must be high resolution with at least 300 DPI.
  • 4-color composite PDFs should not have trapping or opi set.
  • Print ads must be set up as process color (CMYK). No spot colors.
  • Varnishes, spot and metallic colors are available for an additional $200/each.
  • All prices include four color printing.
  • If the supplied file(s) do(es) not meet the production standards of the TBA or the Tennessee Bar Journal, the files may be rejected or corrected at the advertiser’s expense. Any alterations will be billed to the advertiser at $50 per hour (one-hour minimum), plus an administrative fee of $25.
  • If advertisers want TBA to design their ad, the work will be billed at a rate of $100 an hour.
Ad Sizes Inches Picas
2-Page Spread 11.25 x 17.25 67.5 x 103.5
Full Page - Back Cover 8.75 x 8.875 52.5 x 53.25
Full Page - Bleed 8.75 x 11.25 52.5 x 67.5
Full Page 7.31 x 9.5 44 x 57
Half Page (horizontal) 7.31 x 4.75 44 x 28.5
One-Third Page (square) 4.81 x 4.75 29 x 28.5
One-Third Page (vertical) 2.31 x 9.5 14 x 57
One-Third Page (horizontal) 7.31 x 3.25 44 x 19.25
One-Sixth Page (vertical) 2.31 x 4.75 14 x 28.5
One-Sixth Page (horizontal) 4.81 x 2.31 29 x 14

Online Advertising on TBA.org

TBA.org is the electronic home for members of the Tennessee legal community. This informative site has been recognized as the nation’s best website for mid-sized bar associations. TBA.org offers online continuing legal education, an archive of court opinions, electronic forums discussing legal issues, legislative updates and news that affects the Tennessee legal community. Page views average 100,000 per month. Placement on our homepage guarantees your ad will rotate in the right-hand column every 5 seconds. Exclusive placement that guarantees static display of your ad also is an option for a 20% upcharge. Online ads also will include a link to the advertisers’ website. Please provide the link with artwork.

Web Ad Pricing

Ad Sizes Price Per Month for 1 Month Price Per Month for 3 Months Price Per Month for 6 Months Price Per Month for 12 Months
Large - Homepage
Small - Homepage
Large - Interior Page $260 $240 $220 $200
Small - Interior Page $160 $140 $120 $100

Web Ad Specs & Sizes

  • Please submit ads in GIF, JPG and PNG formats only. We are unable to accept Flash or other rich media ads.
  • Maximum file size for online ads is 40k.
  • Animated ads should be limited to three cycles or 15 seconds.
  • Online ads will include a link to the advertisers’ website (please provide the link).
Ad Sizes Inches Pixels
Online Large 1.8 x 2.98 180 x 300
Online Small 1.8 x 1.05 180 x 150

TBJ Select E-Newsletter

The TBJ Select e-newsletter is a companion to the Tennessee Bar Journal. It is sent to all TBA members via email twice a month to highlight articles, columns and news in the current issue of the Journal. Pricing is based on the number of insertions purchased. Ads may be changed out at any time during the contract period at no additional charge. We accept newsletter ads in JPG format only. The TBA offers two options for newsletter ad placement:

• As a content block in the newsletter with text and a profile picture of your logo. This option has a 100 word limit. Image should be 200 x 200 pixels.
• As a banner ad at the bottom of the newsletter. Image should be 600 x 250 pixels.

Download an example of the two options or see a previous issue with a banner ad and one with a text ad.

Number of Issues Contracted 1 Issue 3 Issues 6 Issues 12 Issues
Price per Issue

TBA Podcasts

The TBA produces five podcasts, which can be found on the TBA Podcast Network. A 30 second ad can be featured at the beginning or end of any episode. Each ad is $50. A $10 discount per ad is offered with an annual contract. Learn more in this one-page overview.

Advertising with TBA's Sections

TBA members may join any of 33 sections organized around specific areas of the law. Advertising with our sections allows you to connect with lawyers practicing in an area of the law that corresponds to your products and services. Options include online ads on section landing pages and ads in section newsletters. Download this 2-page overview for more information.

Advertising Agreement

While TBA.org attempts to confine its advertising to legitimate business endeavors, the statements and material appearing in the advertisements are solely the responsibility of the advertisers.TBA.org and the TBA do not directly or impliedly endorse, support or vouch for the authenticity of any representation made in any advertisement appearing herein. The TBA does not intend to accept any advertising material that is false or misleading. Full advertising terms are detailed below. Download a pdf of the Advertising Agreement.

Tennessee Bar Association
Advertising Agreement Terms

This ADVERTISING AGREEMENT (hereafter referred to as “agreement”), is between the TENNESSEE BAR ASSOCIATION (hereafter referred to as “association”) and the advertiser and advertising agency, if applicable, and is subject to the terms set forth in this document and in the current ADVERTISING RATE CARD as it may be amended by the association from time to time (hereafter referred to as “rate card”), a copy of which is attached. Please read all terms carefully before binding yourself to this agreement.

All agreements are subject to approval and acceptance by the association, and the association may terminate this agreement at any time. Acceptance of this agreement shall constitute an agreement by the association to provide advertising space as described in the agreement.

PAYMENT – All accounts are due and payable within 30 days of invoice. Invoices will be sent on a monthly basis, unless the advertiser makes arrangements for an alternative billing schedule. Payment for all advertising and production shall be the responsibility of the advertiser and any contracted advertising agency, and shall be made in accordance with the association’s current rate card unless otherwise noted in the agreement.

The association reserves the right to request payment prior to publication in certain circumstances, including but not limited to, advertisers who have not placed an ad with the association within the previous year; advertisers who have previously been delinquent in payments to the association; and advertisers placing one-time ads. The association reserves the right to reject any ad for which prepayment has not been received on or before the publication deadline.

The association shall not be required to seek payment directly from the advertiser when an advertisement is placed by a contracted advertising agency. The association reserves the right to seek payment from either or both of said parties.

CANCELLATION – Cancellation of this agreement, after the duly authorized representative of the advertising client or advertising agency has accepted the terms, will result in all charges for the contracted space (including multiple insertions) to be immediately due and payable to the association, and any deposits paid to be forfeited. Changes to the agreement will be considered if submitted prior to the materials deadline and if acknowledged in writing by the association.

PAST DUE ACCOUNTS – Past due accounts (over 30 days) will be charged a 1.5% monthly delinquent charge. Accounts with past due balances will have their ads pulled from publication until the balance is paid. In the event payment is not made as required and agreed to in this agreement, and the account is referred to the attorneys of the association, the advertiser and the advertising agency shall also be responsible for any and all attorney's fees and court costs incurred in the collection of the debt, plus all costs and fees incurred in connection therewith.

ADVERTISING CONTENT – The association may accept advertising from any source, subject to the advertiser’s compliance with reasonable business terms, except that the association will not accept advertisements or unpaid announcements regarding continuing legal education programs not sponsored or co-sponsored by the association. The association reserves the right to reject advertising at any time. Advertisers assume complete responsibility for the use of any or all brand names, trademarks, guarantees and statements which appear in their advertisements. When advertising is present, association publications will carry a statement substantially as follows:

“While the Tennessee Bar Association and its publications attempt to confine advertising to legitimate business endeavors, the statements and material appearing in advertisements are solely the responsibility of the advertisers. The Tennessee Bar Association and its publications do not directly or impliedly endorse, support or vouch for the authenticity of any representation made in any advertisement appearing herein. The Tennessee Bar Association and its publications do not intend to accept any advertising material that is false or misleading.”

HOLD HARMLESS – The advertiser and advertising agency agree to jointly and severally indemnify and hold harmless the association and any and all of the publishing clients with which it may have contracted for:

A.    Any and all loss, expense or other liability (including attorney’s fees) arising from any claim of libel, violation of privacy, plagiarism, copyright infringement, omission, incorrect information or placement, and any other claim or suit that may arise out of the publication of any advertised copy submitted, printed or published.

B.    The loss of any artwork, CDs, discs, emailed content and other materials submitted to publisher for said advertisement or for raw materials submitted for production of the advertisement, such as copy and photography, and any related expense or other liability (including attorney's fees).

C.    Any delays in delivery and/or non-delivery in the event of natural disasters, strike, labor or material shortage, editorial or production delays, or any condition affecting production or delivery in any manner.

ENDORSEMENT – Acceptance of advertising does not constitute an endorsement by or partnership with the association.

REPRODUCTION – Published information may not be used, copied, rekeyed, reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, including but not limited to, electronic or mechanical, without the express written permission of the association.

AGENCIES – Advertising agencies should add commission to quoted rates, as the association does not discount rates for commission.

PRODUCTION SERVICES – This agreement does not include production services. If production services are needed, a separate production agreement must be completed, signed and attached to this agreement.

GOVERNING LAW – This agreement and all other related documents (including, without limitation, the rate card and the agreement terms) are governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Tennessee. Any legal suit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be instituted in the federal courts of the United States of America or the courts of the State of Tennessee in each case located in the City of Nashville and County of Davidson.