The Tennessee Bar Journal serves as the official publication of the TBA. All members receive the Journal as a benefit of their membership. Our members appreciate the way the Journal reflects the high professional standards of the legal community. We are proud to be a part of the tradition that is the TBA.

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: The Tennessee Bar Association holds the copyright to all Journal content. If you would like to reprint an article, please contact the editor for permission and language. If you would like to link to TBA content, you are welcome to do that with proper attribution, using the title or a short description of the content. You are not allowed to post the article or other content in its entirety.

The Tennessee Bar Journal is listed in the Index to Legal Periodicals.

The Tennessee Bar Journal, ISSN 0497-2325, is published by the Tennessee Bar Association at 3310 West End Ave., Ste. 590, Nashville, TN 37203, (615) 383-7421, six times a year. Periodicals Postage Paid, Nashville, Tenn. Subscription price: $60 per year. Members: $22 per year. Individual issues: $10 per copy. Back issues sold on an "as available" basis. Statements or opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Tennessee Bar Association, its officers, board or staff.

Send address corrections to: Publications Coordinator, Tennessee Bar Journal, 3310 West End Ave., Ste. 590, Nashville, TN 37203.

ADVERTISING POLICY: While the Tennessee Bar Journal attempts to confine its advertising to legitimate business endeavors, the statements and material appearing in the advertisements are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. The Journal and the Tennessee Bar Association do not directly or impliedly endorse, support or vouch for the authenticity of any representation made in any advertisement appearing herein. The Journal does not intend to accept any advertising material that is false and misleading.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If your address has changed, you must notify the Board of Professional Responsibility in writing. To change your address with the TBA so that you will not miss any mailings, go to, log in to the Member Center in the upper right corner, and update your profile under MyTBA.