2020 Competition Cancelled

Many of you have reached out to inquire about the status of the 2020 State High School Mock Trial Tournament in light of the ever-evolving COVID-19 advisories and uncertainty surrounding this new virus.  Because we know how hard our Mock Trial teams have worked to prepare for this tournament and because our State Competition is planned several years in advance, we have looked at every possible way to try and provide a meaningful competition for our Mock Trial teams in light of current events. 
Unfortunately, after much deliberation and consultation with the most current health advisories, it is with great regret that we had to make the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 State High School Mock Trial Tournament that was scheduled to take place on March 20-21. This decision is not one that we made lightly.  After monitoring recent developments related to COVID-19 from local, state and federal agencies, we have concluded that the safety of our teams, coaches, and volunteers require us to cancel the Tennessee competition. Our decision follows the declaration of a state of emergency by Gov. Bill Lee, and decisions by the National High School Mock Trial Championship Board of Directors and nine other state sponsors to cancel their competitions.
The entire Mock Trial Committee hopes that our teams, coaches and volunteers know how much we truly do appreciate all of the time and work that you have done and were willing to do to make our Tennessee High School Mock Trial Tournament a continued success.  We may be celebrating our 40th Anniversary of the Tennessee High School Mock Trial Tournament a little differently than we planned this year, but we look forward to working with you all for next year’s competition. 

— Kati Sanford Goodner, Mock Trial Chair

2020 Mock Trial Case Material

District Maps
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