Mock Trial Resources

The following organizations provide resources for mock trial preparation and competition. Commercial products and alternative competitions are not endorsed by the Tennessee Bar Association and are included only to make participants aware of their availability without any recommendation as to the value of the service or the necessity or advisability of using them to prepare for the Tennessee State High School Mock Trial Competition.

ABA Mock Trial Resources
Offers a range of sample mock trial cases for use with elementary and middle school students.

American University Marshall Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project & Moot Court
Offers a law related education program that promotes democratic engagement, constitutional literacy, and legal advocacy by placing upper level law students in high schools to teach courses in constitutional law and oral advocacy. Schools that participate also are invited to field teams for a moot court competition in Washington, D.C.

Emory University Mock Trial
Offers a virtual training workshop for high school mock trial participants on Oct. 2, 2021. The program will feature lectures as well as interactive activities aimed at giving students an inside look at what makes a great mock trial performance. The program will also offer techniques to help students become more competitive at both the high school and collegiate level. Cost is $30 per student. Register here.

Empire Mock Trial
Hosts three high school mock trial programs -- in Atlanta, New York City and San Francisco -- to help students hone their trial skills. Connect with the group on Facebook; follow news on Twitter; or check out photos from past competitions on Instagram.

Georgetown University Law Center
The Early Outreach Initiative was created to connect high school seniors in underserved communities with resources and information about law school and legal careers. Students participating in the program meet with the dean of admissions, law students, and attorneys who share their experiences in the legal profession. The school also provides various class simulations and workshops with faculty so that students can get a taste of the law school experience. Graduating seniors also are paired with an attorney mentor who serves as a point of contact as students decide whether to pursue law school after college. Visit the group's website or click here for more information.

Harvard Mock Trial Training
Offers students a series of interactive lectures, breakout sessions where teams work with a member of Harvard Mock Trial to develop a case, write questions and statements, and prepare for a scrimmage at the end of the program. Visit the group's website or connect on Facebook.

Learning for Life: Law & Government Career Exploring
Offers resources for students interested in law and government.

May It Please the Court (PDF file)
Mock trial tutorial offered as both a DVD and print publication sold by the State Bar of Georgia's mock trial program.

Mock On Academy
Hosts high school mock trial opportunities year-round, nationwide. The Academy also holds a virtual Tournament of Champions each year. The 2024 tournament will take place June 1-2. The deadline to register is May 1. Email for more information.

Rhodes Mock Trial
Offers a Mock Trial Academy for high school students.  It is a one week residential program on the school's campus in Memphis. Students will get the opportunity to learn valuable trial skills and legal theory.  More information about the academy and the application is available online.

Street Law Mock Trial Resources
Provides sample mock trial cases and lesson plans for teachers of 8-12th grade students. The 2021 Classroom Guide to Mock Trials is also now available.

Trial Pro: Courtroom Simulator
Offers an online, interactive courtroom simulator that allows students to choose a side, set a timer for objecting and responding, and practice presentations using one of three simulated cases: one for the beginner, a criminal case for those with some knowledge of courtroom procedure, and CivMod, a complex case for advanced teams. Schools may purchase 25 licenses for $500. Under-resourced schools should contact the TBA mock trial coordinator for information about sponsorships to cover the costs of this tool.

UCLA Mock Trial Institute
Offers a week-long program for mock trial students to expand their knowledge base, explore college and career options, boost self-confidence and hone powers of persuasion.

Yale Mock Trial Association Bulldog Invitational
Hosts an annual mock trial competition and workshops for high school students in November.

YMCA National Judicial Competition
Hosts an annual mock trial and appellate competition for teens interested in government.

This information is offered as a service to the public and the legal community. Statements or opinions expressed by any of the companies or organizations cited do not necessarily reflect those of the Tennessee Bar Association, its officers, board or staff. The TBA does not directly or impliedly endorse, support or vouch for the authenticity of any representations made.