All candidates with contested races in the 2020 Tennessee Bar Association election have been provided the opportunity of preparing an email campaign message to members. Below are the messages from Knoxville attorneys Tasha Blakney and Shelly Wilson, who are running to be elected as Vice President of the Tennessee Bar Association.

Shelly Wilson

Shelly L. Wilson
• OWC Managing Partner
• Practicing attorney 30+ years
• 20+ year TBA member
• TBA House of Delegates member 15+ years
• Previous TBA House of Delegates Speaker, Vice Speaker & Secretary
• TBA Board of Governors member 5+ years
• Current Secretary of the TBA Board of Governors
• Former chair TBA Local Government Section
• Served on many TBA ad hoc committees
• Tennessee Bar Foundation Fellow
• 20+ year KBA member
• Co-chaired KBA’s CLE Committee 10 years
• Chaired KBA Ethics Bowl CLE program planning team 10+ years
• Served on KBA Board of Governors
• Adjunct Professor in Municipal Government Law at the Duncan School of Law
• Wants to enhance the mission of the TBA

Contact Information
Shelly L. Wilson
Owings Wilson Coleman
900 South Gay Street, Suite 800
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902-1800


Tasha Blakney

Tasha Blakney
My vision for the TBA is to effectively and consistently serve all lawyers in all practice settings across Tennessee. I’m running for Vice President because I’m committed to that goal. I’ve been on the Board of Governors for the past 11 years, including service on the executive committee and as chair of the programs committee for the past two years. I’m currently in my second term as co-chair of the Public Service Academy and I have also chaired the Public Education Committee. I’m a TBALL graduate and have served in the House of Delegates for the TBA and the ABA. I’ve practiced in Knoxville for 21 years, and I’m a past president of both the Knoxville Bar Association and the TBA YLD. I’d be honored to have your support.

Contact Information
Tasha C. Blakney
Eldridge & Blakney PC
The Cherokee Building
400 West Church Avenue, Suite 101
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902