Montgomery Bell Academy Repeats as State Champion

Update: The Final Round video is now available to view at this link.

The Montgomery Bell Academy mock trial team repeated its championship win for the second year in a row at the 2017 Tennessee State High School Mock Competition this weekend in Nashville. Montgomery Bell defeated Harpeth Hall in the championship round. The team now will represent Tennessee at the National High School Mock Trial Competition May 11-13 in Hartford, Connecticut.

The two-day state competition, sponsored by the Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyers Division, involved 16 teams and nearly 200 volunteers, including lawyers, law students and paralegals. In addition, sitting judges in the state presided over the trial rounds at the Metro Davidson County Courthouse in downtown Nashville. Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Roger A. Page presided over the championship match Saturday evening.

At a ceremony immediately preceding the championship round, students were recognized for their efforts. TBA President Jason Long welcomed the participants, coaches, families and volunteers. TBA YLD President Rachel Mancl presented awards to the top 10 teams, the best witnesses and advocates, the most valuable players for each team, and the team exhibiting the best sportsmanship-like behavior. This year’s sportsmanship award winner was Rutherford County Homeschool, which was participating in its first-ever appearance at the competition. (All photos by Liz Todaro of the Tennessee Bar Association.)

Members of the Montgomery Bell Academy team and coach Wade Cowan celebrate after being awarded the 2017 championship trophy in the 37th Annual Tennessee State High School Mock Trial Competition. TBA President Jason Long, Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Roger A. Page, TBA YLD President Rachel  Mancl and Mock Trial Committee Chair Kristen Corn pose with the team. Justive Roger A. Page presided over the championship round. 

Harpeth Hall finished as runner up after competing the the final round of competition.

3. St. Mary’s Episcopal School Cobalt Team, Memphis

4. University School of Nashville, Nashville

5. Agathos Classical School, Columbia

6. Springfield High School, Springfield

7. McCallie School, Chattanooga

8.  Brentwood High School, Brentwood

9. St. Mary's Episcopal School Turquoise Team, Memphis

10. Dyersburg High School, Dyersburg

Justice Roger Page and TBA President Jason Long joined YLD President Rachel Mancl and members of the YLD Executive Committee in scoring the final championship round.

Rutherford County Homeschool in its first appearance at the tournament, took the Team Sportsmanship Award. The award recipient is based on the votes of other teams and presiding judges. 

The final round

Scenes from the final round

Scenes from the final round

Family and friends gather for photos following the final round

Best Witness, Defense

3rd Place: Joseph Richard, McCallie


Best Witness, Prosecution

3rd Place, Lexie Rook, St. Mary's Cobalt                          

Best Witness, Defense

2nd Place: Riley Buck, Springfield High School


Best Witness, Prosecution

2nd Place: John Cooper, MBA         

Best Witness, Defense

1st Place: Sneha Sharma, St. Mary's Turquoise 

Best Witness, Prosecution

1st Place: Nora Roberts, Springfield

Best Attorney, Defense

3rd Place: Maryellen Wooten, Springfield


Best Attorney, Prosecution

3rd Place: Andrew Kaplan, MBA


Best Attorney,  Defense

2nd Place: Alison McCown, St. Mary's Turquoise

Best Attorney, Prosecution

2nd Place: McKenzie Barnes, St. Mary's Cobalt

Best Attorney, Defense

1st Place: Shreyas Kumar, Brentwood

Best Attorney, Prosecution: Robert Horton Campbell Award

1st Place: Luke Worsham, Agathos

MVP, Agathos: Ethan Seago

MVP, Brentwood: Joey Bonnaire

MVP, Dobyns-Bennett: Kevin Loo

MVP, Dyersburg: Aaron Stapleton

MVP, Harpeth Hall: Maggie Tattersfield

MVP, Hendersonville: Tyson Dunlap

MVP, Jefferson County: Min-Jae Park

MVP, McCallie: Jordan Richardson

MVP, MBA: Daniel Cowan

MVP, Rutherford County Home School:  Haley Burt

MVP, Signal Mountain: Sydney Selman

MVP, Springfield: Emily Cowan

MVP, St. Mary's Cobalt: Gabby Perez

MVP, St. Mary's Turquoise: Megan Wassef

MVP, Unicoi: Ethan Kistler

MVP, USN: George LaBour