Resources for State Qualifying Teams

Congratulations on your district competition success! We look forward to having you in Nashville on March 16-17, 2012, for the 32nd Annual Tennessee State High School Mock Trial Competition. Below you will find general information as well as the forms required to register for the competition.

Please direct any questions about the forms to TBA staff member Stacey Shrader at (615) 383-7421. Questions about competition rules or the case should be directed to Mock Trial Chair Troy Weston at or (865) 544-2010, or Vice Chair Candi Henry at or (615) 254-2291.

A new version of the case and exhibits was released on March 1 to correct several inadvertent typographical and grammatical errors. A supplemental memo with additional information also was released on March 1. Find these documents under the "New Case Material" heading below.

Supplemental Team Memo
Posted March 1

Team Memo & Deadlines
Posted Feb. 27

Team Registration Part I
Due by March 5
   • Lunch Order
   Due by March 9
Updated Problem
Posted March 1
Schedule of Events
Final version posted 3/12
Team Registration Part 2
Due by March 9
   • T-Shirt Order
   Due by March 5
Updated Exhibits
Posted March 1

List of Qualifying Teams
Posted March 1

National Pledge
Due by March 16 at 2 p.m.

   • Championship DVD Order
   See past winners in action or pre-order this year's round

New FAQ Postings Address Revised Material

Explanation of Power
Matching Process

Courthouse Use Rules
Due by March 16 at 2 p.m.
   • Sportsmanship Form
   Due after the fourth round
• Coming Soon -- Explanation
of How a "Bye" Works
• Explanation of Individual
Award Determinations

• MVP Designation
Due by March 17 at 12:30

   • Report Card
   Copies will be provided at state


• Explanation of
Sportsmanship Award

• Team Roster
For use during trial rounds


• Directions to Hotel
• Map of Hotel Space
• Directions to Courthouse
• Downtown Nashville Map