The good works of the law firm Miller & Martin PLLC and the corporate legal department at International Paper were celebrated on March 27 during the 2010 Corporate Counsel Pro Bono Initiative Gala in Nashville. Shown at right is Harold Pinkley accepting Miller & Martin's Pro Bono Award from Tennessee Supreme Court Chief Justice Janice Holder (center) and TBA President Gail Vaughn Ashworth. The event raised more than $45,000 for pro bono efforts in the state.

Learn more about the award recipients

Guests mingle during an opening reception prior to the Corporate Counsel Pro Bono Dinner and Awards Presentation.

Chief Justice Holder presents the Pro Bono Award to International Paper's Marua Smith and James Barry.

TBA President Gail Vaughn Ashworth address the Corporate Counsel Pro Bono gathering.

TBA Access to Justice Committee Chair Deb House address the Corporate Counsel Pro Bono gathering.