Cover Story: This Month's Top Story

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What’s in a Name? 'Una Rosa' By Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet

Coinciding with Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated September 15-October 15, Willie Santana takes a close look at cultural competence, naming conventions, client representation and the ethics of what lawyers (and courts) call their clients.

Featured: This Month's Articles

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Can Denials to Requests for Admission Be Used Against You at Trial?

Requests for admission are arguably some of the most effective means of discovery in civil cases, allowing parties to obtain an agreement on the authenticity of documents in a cost-effective manner and quickly narrow down issues that are not in dispute for an evidentiary hearing or trial. John Floyd explores the admissibility of a denial in court.

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Beneficiary Designations and MDAs and Prenups, Oh My!: A Summary of the Relevant Caselaw (with Practice Tips)

Michael Crowder has found that even the best laid plan can go awry if the client doesn’t understand what’s needed to effectuate it. Providing some additional clarity, and making a few follow up calls to the client, can go a long way to ensure our clients’ intentions are fulfilled.

Columns: Quick Reads on Timely Topics

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President's Perspective

Pay It Back and Pay It Forward: The Privilege of Mentoring New Lawyers

TBA President Ed Lanquist Jr. encourages experienced lawyers to mentor new attorneys, and for those new to the profession to be receptive to mentorship in unexpected places.

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The Law at Work

Salary Thresholds, Noncompetes and the End of Chevron Deference

In the last several months, federal agencies have issued a host of rules that stand to have a significant impact on employers. In this issue's "The Law at Work," Ward Phillips and Brandon Morrow highlight what these final rules mean for employers and employees, where the current challenges stand, and what the end of Chevron deference may mean for the viability of these rules moving forward.

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Day on Torts

Limitation of Actions in Tennessee Wrongful Death Cases

In this installment of "Day on Torts," John Day clears up a common misconception about the statute of limitations for wrongful death cases in Tennessee.

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Where There's a Will

Staying on Target: 2024 Trusts and Estates Developments

2024 has been a busy year for developments relevant to trusts and estates (T&E) practice. Eddy Smith reviews several which are important to clients in this issue's "Where There's a Will."

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Book Review

Book Review: Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism, by Erwin Chemerinsky

Christopher Smith reviews Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism, by Erwin Chemerinsky.

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Book Review

Book Review: Coppock on Tennessee Adoption Law (8th Ed.): by Dawn Coppock

Jason Long reviews Coppock on Tennessee Adoption Law, by Dawn Coppock, the eighth and final edition of the definitive reference on Tennessee adoption law.

The Legal Life: Passages, Licensure & Discipline

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Highlights from the ABA Annual Meeting, TBA News and More

Members of the TBA Board of Governors, Young Lawyers Division and staff attended the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago in August; a Nashville lawyer will be the first Tennessean to lead the National Bar Association; the TBA staff is growing; and TBALL nominations are open. Read all the news here.

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Tennessee Bar Association members who have died recently are memorialized.

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Licensure & Discipline

Read about the lawyers who have recently been reinstated, disbarred, suspended, censured or transferred their licenses to disability inactive status.