Cover Story: This Month's Top Story

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Game Over or Game On?: The Future of Noncompetes

April 23, in a 3-2 decision, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) narrowly approved the issuance of a revised final rule (“Rule”) that prohibits most post-employment noncompete agreements nationwide. In doing so, the FTC determined that noncompetes are an unfair method of competition and violate Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. While this action was immediately met with cheers by most employees and jeers by most employers, Tom Shumate examines how its immediate, short-term impact may be overstated.

Featured: This Month's Articles

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Is It a Knockoff? The ‘Difficult Puzzle of Functionality’ Under the Lanham Act as Construed by the 6th Circuit

A plaintiff who alleges that a competitor is engaging in unfair competition under the Lanham Act, which protects unregistered trademarks from unfair competition, for selling a look-alike product, that is, a trade dress/product design claim, must establish, among other things, that the plaintiff’s design is not “functional.” It is this question of functionality that has caused courts the most problems, with a multiplicity of inconsistent decisions by the courts of appeal and an inscrutable decision by the U.S. Supreme Court at the center, all written about at length by numerous commentators. Don Vowell takes an in depth look into how functionality can be applied.

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Secretly Recording Workplace Conversations Makes for Risky Business

While employees and employers have legitimate reasons to want to record work-related conversations, potential employees or even clients, they should be aware of the potential legal repercussions for doing so secretly. Federal and state wiretapping laws seek to protect parties in a conversation from being secretly recorded and to keep non-participants from “listening in.” Katelyn Barham breaks down the legality of recording phone and video chat conversations, the consequences of doing so without proper consent and best practices for companies who do business in more than one state are on the minds of many employers.

Columns: Quick Reads on Timely Topics

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President's Perspective

Continuity: Looking Ahead to the Work of the TBA in 2024-2025

In his first column as TBA president, Ed Lanquist Jr. shares his goals for the 2024-2025 bar year, pledging to continue to advocate for members across the state, pursue opportunities to roll back the professional privilege tax and work to increase Tennessee's investment in indigent representation.

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The Buddy System

Doping with Adderall: A Dangerous Game

The pressure to compete in law school is extreme. Unfortunately, over the last two decades, more and more law students have adopted a “doping to win” strategy that involves illicitly abusing the prescription drug Adderall, which is normally used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Buddy Stockwell explores the growing problem and provides some solutions for addressing it.

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Crime & Punishment

An Interview with Stephen D. Crump: Executive Director of the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference

In this installment of Crime & Punishment, Wade Davies interviews Stephen D. Crump, executive director of the Tennessee District Attorneys General Conference (TNDAGC), which serves as the governmental liaison to all the other state government agencies, the governor and the Tennessee General Assembly, and provides human resources, fiscal and information technology support to over 1300 employees across the state's 32 Judicial Districts.

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History's Verdict

Murder in Chancery: “A Story of Bloodshed Which Never Had a Parallel in the City of Nashville”

Chancellor Andrew Allison of Tennessee’s sixth chancery division, comprising Davidson and Williamson counties, was the third president of the Tennessee Bar Association. He was also, according to Russell Fowler's latest deep dive into Tennessee legal history, killed outside of a courtroom in the old Davidson County Courthouse by his clerk and master.

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Book Review

Privileges and Protections: Tennessee and Sixth Circuit Law: by Todd Presnell and Kristi Arth

John A. Day reviews Privileges and Protections: Tennessee and Sixth Circuit Law, by Nashville lawyers E. Todd Presnell and Kristi W. Arth, writing, "[T]he practicing lawyer needs a comprehensive book on the subject: when you need to know the law of privilege, you must be able to rely on what you read and the source must educate you to what you don’t know you don’t know. This all-inclusive book provides a lawyer with that assurance and that new knowledge."

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Convention Connections

TBA's Annual Convention was held in Memphis in June. See photos from the events.

The Legal Life: Passages, Licensure & Discipline

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TBA's Annual Convention Held in Memphis

This issue's "The Legal Life" feature recaps the TBA's Annual Convention held in Memphis June 12-15. Nashville lawyer Ed Lanquist Jr. was sworn in as TBA's 144th president, taking the gavel from Memphis lawyer Jim Barry. Read more about award winners honored, your new Board of Governors and updates from the Young Lawyers Division.

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The Justice Frank F. Drowota Trust to Help Fill the Justice Gap

Hon. Sharon Lee and Buck Lewis introduce The Justice Frank F. Drowota Trust, which will provide supplemental funds to direct providers of legal services to Tennessee’s low-income citizens. With funding from this section 501(c) charitable trust, legal aid organizations will have more resources to serve more individuals with their unmet civil legal needs. Learn how the trust is working to help close the justice gap.

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A Successful Legislative Year for TBA

The Tennessee General Assembly adjourned on April 25, and 2024 proved to be a successful legislative year for the TBA. All of the legislative initiatives drafted by TBA Sections were passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by the governor. Additionally, TBA secured an additional $8.9 million of additional funding for court appointed attorneys representing the indigent. Read more about the TBA's legislative efforts.

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Tennessee Bar Association members who have died recently are memorialized.

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Licensure & Discipline

Read about the lawyers who have recently been reinstated, disbarred, suspended, censured or transferred their licenses to disability inactive status.