Cover Story: This Month's Top Story

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Drafting the Arbitration Clause: Identifying Terms and Traps

Arbitration is often thought to be a confidential, speedier, more efficient and less expensive way to resolve disputes. But that doesn't always hold true. In this issue's cover story, Matt Sweeney and Mark Travis break down what arbitration is — and what it isn't — and when to employ an arbitration clause in contract negotiations.

Featured: This Month's Articles

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Hacking the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure: A Small Change Brings Big Relief

This year's updates to the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure contain a small change that could provide a boost to lawyers in their efficiency of serving opposing counsel. Chuck Holliday explains.

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You Are the Father!: Untangling Custody Rights in Tennessee Between Unmarried Parents

Although the legal concepts of child custody are usually straightforward, for unmarried parents, the execution is complicated because every parent presents unique concerns. Miles Mason explains the process of proving parentage for custody and child support.

Columns: Quick Reads on Timely Topics

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President's Perspective

Amplifying Access to Justice

TBA President Jim Barry explores what the future of amplifying access to justice might look like.

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The Buddy System

Suicide in the Legal Profession

Suicides continue to devastate the legal profession here in Tennessee. In this installment of "The Buddy System," Buddy Stockwell shares mental health resources and information available to lawyers.

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Crime & Punishment

5 Cases From the Past Year That You Need to Read

In his last "Crime & Punishment" column for the year, Wade Davies summarizes five cases from the Tennessee Supreme Court from 2023 and invites readers to consider what each decision might mean for criminal law practitioners.

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History's Verdict

Charles Dickens and the Law

In this issue's "History's Verdict" (Holiday Edition), Russell Fowler weaves the threads of Charles Dickens, litigation around A Christmas Carol, the High Court of Chancery, court reform and Tennessee Gov. Andrew Johnson.

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Book Review

Review of How to Leave the Law

Danese Banks, founder and CEO of Banks Mediation Services PLLC and and founder and CEO of The Life Changer Coach LLC, reviews How to Leave the Law.

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Read "November Night," a poem by Adelaide Crapsey.

The Legal Life: Passages, Licensure & Discipline

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Spotlight on the TBA Young Lawyers Division

This issue's Legal Life features the TBA's Young Lawyers Division! Read about their new initiatives, programs and pro bono work. Plus news from the Tennessee Supreme Court and the TBA.

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Tennessee Bar Association members who have died recently are memorialized.

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Nathan Shelby

In Memory of Nathan Shelby

"As we grieve and process the loss of our dear friend, let us transform our grief into a call to action. It is okay that we are not okay, but we must be willing to ask for help when we need it, and we must be ready to listen to our colleagues when they ask. . . . For someone who is used to being the advocate and problem solver, asking for help requires great strength. The more we normalize asking for help, the fewer hearts will break in sudden tragedy." — David H. Veile

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Licensure & Discipline

Read about the lawyers who have recently been reinstated, disbarred, suspended, censured or transferred their licenses to disability inactive status.

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2024 Election Notice

Learn more about the open positions for TBA's officers, governors and delegates in 2024.