Please join us for a fun way to learn a little bit more about this year’s Convention sponsors, which are helping make this event possible. All of the answers to the trivia questions can be found in the sponsors' individual virtual exhibit booths. Just visit our main sponsor page and click on each sponsor logo to visit their virtual exhibit booth and learn more about their products and services.

When you are ready to submit your answers, use this form. All correct submissions will be entered into our prize drawing. We will draw two winners at 5 p.m. CDT on Friday, June 18. Each winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card. One entry per person please. TBA staff and sponsors may play but are not eligible to win.

2021 Convention Sponsor Triva Questions

1. Which sponsor is motivated by the goal of democratizing the law by making legal research more accessible?

2. Which sponsor offers more than 200+ integrations for its legal practice management software?

3. Nashville law firm Gullett Sanford Robinson & Martin supports a number of community organizations. Name one.

4. Which sponsor is 100% employee-owned?

5. Which sponsor is TBA’s endorsed carrier for professional liability insurance?

6. How many offices does TBA Member Insurance Solutions (TBAMS) have in Tennessee?

7. Which sponsor touts its identity as a family-run business with a fun atmosphere? (Hint: They have colored lights hanging around the office)

8. Which sponsor named its logo “Mac” after the first names of its three founders?

9. Including TBA, how many bar associations have an affinity partnership with the ABA Retirement Funds Program?

10. Which sponsor has a patent pending for its product?

11. Which sponsor specializes in intellectual property law?

12. Which sponsor’s tagline is "Reliable Software. Trusted Service"?

13. The GEICO Gecko has its own social media accounts but does it have a name? If so, what is it?

14. Midwest Special Needs Trust serves nine states. Name one of them.

15. Payment processor LawPay offers integrations with a number of leading legal tech solutions. How many do they offer?

16. Which sponsor’s founder was the first man in the country to earn a specific degree in his field? Name the company, founder OR degree.