
The Judge Pamela L. Reeves Tennessee Professionalism Award is awarded each year to a lawyer or judge whose life and practice display sterling character and unquestioned integrity, coupled with ongoing dedication to the highest standards of the rule of law and the highest standards of the legal profession in Tennessee.

Previous Award Recipients

Sponsoring Organizations

The American Inns of Court is an international organization that envisions a legal profession and judiciary dedicated to professionalism, ethics, civility, and excellence. Its mission is to inspire the legal community to advance the rule of law by achieving the highest level of professionalism through example, education, and mentoring. Tennessee is home to nine local American Inns of Court located in Chattanooga, Franklin, Jackson, Knoxville, Memphis, Murfreesboro and Nashville.

The Tennessee Bar Association (TBA) was founded in 1881. Its membership represents the entire spectrum of the legal profession in Tennessee and beyond. The TBA is open to all licensed attorneys in good standing, and it is dedicated to enhancing fellowship and professionalism among the members of Tennessee’s legal community.


The professionalism award is awarded annually at the TBA's Annual Convention. Candidates for the award are nominated by letter through an open nominations process (see form below). The nominating letter should be addressed to the chair of the selection committee and should include sufficient supporting documentation, including either a C.V. or resume, to enable the selection committee to make a reasoned judgment. Supporting letters may accompany the nomination and should be addressed to the chair of the selection committee. 

The award will be presented to a lawyer or judge residing in the Grand Division of Tennessee where the TBA's Annual Convention is held. Nominees must be alive when their nomination is submitted but need not be an active member of an American Inn of Court or the TBA. Nominations of lawyers are given preference in the selection process. The TBA Annual Convention is scheduled to be held in the West Grand Division (Memphis) in 2024.


Nominations for the 2025 award recipient will open in Spring 2025

• Nominations Open: TBD
• Nominations Close: TBD