TBA Practice Management Center



  • Opening

    Opening a Firm

    Launching a new firm or “hanging out a shingle” is not just for newly minted attorneys. Maybe you’ve practiced in a firm for a while and have decided to go out on your own. The materials in this section start you down the right path and make sure vital considerations aren’t overlooked. 

  • Building a Firm

    Building a Firm

    One of the key things law school doesn’t teach is that law is not just a calling, it’s also a business. The success of your business relies on pleasing clients. But, before you can please clients, you have to obtain them. These materials will help you learn to find and retain satisfied clients.

  • Managing a Firm

    Managing a Firm

    From document management to cybersecurity to managing your money, the day-to-day task of keeping a law firm operating at its maximum potential can be daunting and exhausting. Take advantage of these Checklists, White Papers and more to keep your operations humming.

  • Protecting a Firm

    Protecting a Firm

    Under the Rules of Professional Conduct, attorneys and legal support staff have obligations to protect client data. The information in this section helps you meet those ethical requirements. These resources also take into account things such as secure backups of client and business information, contact information for key individuals and more. Disaster preparedness is important for everyone.

  • Winding Down a Firm

    Winding Down a Firm

    When the time comes to retire or move on, attorneys have responsibilities both to their clients and to their state’s oversight authority to make sure that clients are not left “in the lurch.” How should you go about winding down or merging a practice? The materials in this section start you down the right path and make certain that vital considerations aren’t overlooked..

  • Expert Advice

    Expert Advice

    The Practice Management Center includes an easy way for bar members to get their legal technology and law practice management questions answered for no cost by an expert at Affinity Consulting Group. Members also can receive discounts for personalized technology plans, custom-designed new firm services, assistance with trust accounting, outsourced bookkeeping support, legal tech training for firm staff, and software training manuals.