TBA Law Blog

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Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Apr 26, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

Retirement takes planning! The most successful turnovers require a more gradual approach than you might think. Take this free tutorial on Succession and Contingency Planning and you will learn ways to successfully turn over the keys to your firm, all while protecting your firm from the unexpected. Whether you are decades or months away from retirement — there are benefits to planning for retirement now. See more resources for your practice in TBA’s Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Apr 5, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

This week’s updates to the TBA Practice Management Center include information about booking services and document management systems. Also check out tips for managing documents when a document management system is not in place.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 8, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

This week’s updates to the TBA Practice Management Center include information on email encryption, printers, hardware maintenance and buying a new laptop. Also check out our top 10 tips for Outlook.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 7, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

It is the age of YouTube where you can learn anything from a 10-minute video online. In today’s culture where clients take pride in doing everything themselves, lawyers need tools to stay competitive and capitalize on clients’ desires. Take this free tutorial video on Staying Competitive in a DIY World and learn how to take administrative burdens off yourself, all while commanding a higher hourly rate for the work clients value. See more resources for your practice in TBA’s Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 7, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

In business, a few simple numbers can show owners everything they need to know about the health of their business. Law firms are no exception. Take this free tutorial on Moneyball for Lawyers: Using Data to Build Your Practice to learn how to use the information you already have to make confident, informed decisions to plan your firm’s future, including knowing which numbers to measure, where to find them and how to improve them. See more resources for your practice in TBA’s Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 7, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

If you normally work out of an office but find yourself on the go more than ever, this free tutorial on "The $1,500 Mobile Lawyer" addresses the problems of a mobile lawyer and presents an actionable $1,500 budget that will allow you to work from anywhere whenever you need to do so. See more resources for your practice in TBA’s Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 7, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

Simply fixing or replacing technology that breaks will never improve your practice. Most lawyers often feel technologically adrift, although they have a general idea of problems they need to fix and new initiatives they want to launch. A technology plan remedies this lack of direction. A free tutorial on Technology and Business Planning will show you how to build a technology plan that identifies problems, addresses inefficiencies and problems, and proactively improves your practice. A business plan also provides direction and continuity for your overall business objectives. See more resources for your practice in TBA’s Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Feb 27, 2023

Considering a job change? Check out “Five Questions to Ask Yourself If You’re Anxious About a Job Change” from the TBA's newly expanded JobLink Career Center. Career growth articles are one of the many features offered there. This article focuses on key questions to consider when thinking about a job change. Looking for new opportunities or need to post an opening? Get started here.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jan 17, 2023

Time to update and check-in on the digital YOU. If you moved, have a new photo, or need to change your practice areas or profile — now is the time to update. You also can customize your contact information with TBA’s address preferences, which means you can choose different addresses for your directory listing, where you receive mail and where you receive membership and billing notices. Your TBA profile helps clients and colleagues find you so be sure to keep it current. Watch this tutorial on how to update your information. Looking for a fellow TBA member? Search our online directory.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jan 16, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

Winding down a firm do to retirement or death? Check out sample forms, language and office policy manual in the TBA’s Practice Management Center. The "Winding Down a Firm" section also offers a planning tool kit and video tutorial to guide your process.

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