TBA Law Blog

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Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on May 1, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Disk encryption keeps client data safe even on lost or stolen devices. Find a comparison chart that shows features and benefits of top providers, in addition to other resources, in the Building a Firm section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Apr 24, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Having “everywhere access” to your documents requires Internet-connected storage. If you’re a Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace customer, you already pay for terabytes of online storage. Use this comparison chart to find the right cloud storage vendor for your organization. Access this and more resources in the Opening a Firm section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Apr 17, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

When you’re busy, it’s difficult to think of a ringing phone as a prospective client rather than a mere interruption. The TBA's Practice Management Center offers a chart comparing services that not only answer phones but can help with client screening, intake and more. Access this and more resources in the center's Opening a Firm section.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Apr 10, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

There’s more to starting a new firm than just having a great legal mind or a great team. There are many business decisions to be made, including determing the type of business entity to set up, the compensation structure for lawyers and legal assistants, and choosing a system for tracking and reporting finances. Get insights on these and other decisions that will need to be made in the Opening a Firm section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Apr 3, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Launching a new firm, whether fresh out of law school or starting a new career stage, can be exhilarating and terrifying. You can do everything the “right” way, but a lot of factors go into launching a business, and you probably haven’t thought about all of them. Let us help! Get checklists, white papers and technology advice in the Opening a Firm section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 28, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

Combining existing law firms into a single business involves a lot of moving parts and personalities. Use this list to make sure you don’t overlook anything important. Find this and more in the Opening a Firm section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Mar 20, 2024
News Type: Your Practice

TBA's Practice Management Center offers insight on artificial intelligence (AI) for lawyers. See white papers on "Vetting AI for Attorneys" and "VR, AR, and AI in a Real Law Firm." These, and other tech and law practice tips, are part of a collection of hundreds of resources available to TBA members. Check them out in the Technology Section of TBA’s Law Practice Management Center.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Oct 23, 2023

Time to update and check-in on the digital YOU. If you moved, have a new photo, or need to change your practice areas or profile — now is the time to update. You also can customize your contact information with TBA’s address preferences, which means you can choose different addresses for your directory listing, where you receive mail and where you receive membership and billing notices. Your TBA profile helps clients and colleagues find you so be sure to keep it current. Watch this tutorial on how to update your information. Looking for a fellow TBA member? Search our online directory.

Posted by: Julia Wilburn on Sep 15, 2023
News Type: Your Practice

As National Suicide Prevention Week comes to a close, the Tennessee Lawyers’ Assistance Program (TLAP) encourages us to learn more about suicide awareness and how we can all help prevent suicide. Visit the TLAP website to access resources on suicide in the legal profession, and remember that all calls to TLAP are strictly confidential. TLAP supports, and all of its employees are certified in, "QPR," which stands for Question, Persuade and Refer. Much like CPR is for heart attacks, QPR training is available to address and help prevent suicide. Learn more about QPR here.

Posted by: Stacey Shrader Joslin on Jun 1, 2023

Time to update and check-in on the digital YOU. If you moved, have a new photo, or need to change your practice areas or profile — now is the time to update. You also can customize your contact information with TBA’s address preferences, which means you can choose different addresses for your directory listing, where you receive mail and where you receive membership and billing notices. Your TBA profile helps clients and colleagues find you so be sure to keep it current. Watch this tutorial on how to update your information. Looking for a fellow TBA member? Search our online directory.

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