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Posted by: Azya Thornton on Sep 12, 2024

Court: TN Court of Criminal Appeals

Attorneys 1: Patrick T. McNally, Nashville, Tennessee (on appeal), and Stephen G. Young, Nashville, Tennessee (at plea and sentencing), for the appellant, Curtis Bradley.

Attorneys 2: Jonathan Skrmetti, Attorney General and Reporter; Edwin Alan Groves, Jr., Assistant Attorney General; Glenn R. Funk, District Attorney General; and Simone Marshall, Assistant District Attorney General, for the appellee, State of Tennessee.

Judge(s): AYERS

Defendant, Curtis Bradley, was indicted on one count of aggravated assault by causing serious bodily injury and one count of false imprisonment. He entered a negotiated plea agreement to the lesser-included charge of reckless aggravated assault with the trial court to determine the length of sentence and whether Defendant would receive judicial diversion. The false imprisonment charge was dismissed pursuant to the agreement. The trial court denied judicial diversion, and ordered Defendant to serve three years, suspended to probation. Defendant argues on appeal that the trial court abused its discretion in denying his request for judicial diversion and by imposing more than the minimum sentence. Based on our review of the entire record, oral arguments, and the parties’ briefs, we affirm the judgment of the trial court, but remand for entry of a judgment form for the dismissal of count two.
