TBA YLD Fellows Elect New President, Induct Members - Articles

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Posted by: Laura Labenberg on May 17, 2024

The TBA Young Lawyers Division Fellows met for their annual meeting Friday night as part of the TBA's 2024 Annual Convention. The group elected Jackson lawyer Michelle Greenway Sellers as president, Memphis lawyer Mason Wilson as vice president, Chattanooga lawyer David McDowell as secretary and Memphis lawyer Nicole Grida as treasurer. Outgoing president U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Rachel Ralston Mancl inducted four new fellows: Clarksville lawyer Paige Barbeauld, Columbia lawyer Travis Jones, Knoxville lawyer John Rice and Nashville lawyer Angela Williams. Incoming Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Mary Louise Wagner was named an honorary fellow.


Left: Hon. Rachel Mancl (left) with Paige Barbeauld
Right: Hon. Rachel Mancl (left) with Travis Jones


Left: Hon. Rachel Mancl (left) with Angela Williams
Right: Hon. Rachel Mancl (left) with incoming Justice Mary Wagner