CCPBI Gala Review - Articles

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Posted by: Liz Slagle Todaro on May 7, 2024

The Corporate Counsel Pro Bono Initiative (CCPBI) awarded the inaugural Branham Grant, established in honor of longtime access to justice champion Andy Branham, who passed away in 2022. He was also very committed to serving the addiction and recovery communities, and CCPBI leaders recognized that these populations (and their loved ones) would greatly benefit from targeted and appropriate legal assistance to ensure long term recovery from addiction.

One of the communities rarely served with acute legal needs is the recovery community. It is the observation of legal services providers, members of the access to justice community, and members of the recovery community that this population would greatly benefit from targeted and appropriate legal assistance to ensure long term recovery from addiction.

The initial Branham Grant is supporting a collaborative effort between West Tennessee Legal Services Inc. (WTLS) and Aspell Recovery Center in Jackson which will serve as a pilot project, including conducting legal needs assessments to help define the most crucial areas of need. These partners both have deep roots in West Tennessee and a strong record of success, as well as a commitment to leveraging technology and best practices to serve their clients.

The WTLS Private Attorney Involvement program has been in existence for over 25 years and has a track record of successfully recruiting attorneys across West Tennessee to provide pro bono work. However, as fewer attorneys are choosing to locate their practice in rural areas, WTLS has engaged technology to bring urban resources to rural areas. WTLS’ success in developing technology that can be used to deliver services by attorneys from other parts of the state is essential to the project, as corporate counsel and corporate legal departments will be among the volunteers recruited to assist.

Aspell Recovery Center is a long-term recovery and treatment program that has served the West Tennessee area since 1979. They are licensed by the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services to provide a continuum of care starting with a residential stage for 30 days, then intensive outpatient care for about eight weeks; they also provide a “three quarter house” living option and finally, the independent living phase where clients can reside in apartments adjacent to the main campus. At any one time, there are about 120 individuals receiving some level of treatment services. Sixtyeight percent of consumers completing residential treatment were abstinent from chemicals at the six month mark.

The residents of the Aspell Recovery Center are the primary focus for this Branham Grant pilot project and a recent survey demonstrates that the highest reported legal needs are in the areas of paying bills, debt collection issues, getting or keeping a driver’s license/ health insurance, paying child support, and custody or parenting plan issues.

Other aspects of the grant include developing a series of collaborative trainings for potential legal volunteers from across the state, including virtual volunteers. WTLS will focus on the substantive law piece while Aspell will provide training on working with their unique client population. The partners will also develop and deliver a series of educational events for Aspell residents focused on the identified set of needs. The events will include an informational presentation, an opportunity for question and answer, an opportunity to briefly consult with the presenters, and then a filtering of clients with pressing legal issues. WTLS will provide intake services for those clients with legal needs, and will follow-up with appropriate referrals, including a legal services staff attorney, a volunteer attorney or other community services.

From left: Sherie Edwards, Buck Lewis, Ann Pruitt, Candace Reed, Sheree & Pat Wright

2024 Gala Attendees enjoy the views from the offices of Bass, Berry & Sims


Left: Denise Jones, Candace Reed; Right: Sherie Edwards, Kelley Ellis

Zach & Kaley Bell, Patty & Eric Wise — Consilio

From left: Brian Heim, Jim Barry, Kevin Mencke — International Paper

Daphany Baker (left) and LaTrice Lewis


Left: Vanedda Webb, WTLS (left) accepts award from Pam Branham; Right: Pam Branham (left) presents award to Linda Warren Seely, accepting on behalf of Aspell Recovery Center

From left: Sheree Wright, Ann Pruitt, Sherie Edwards

From left: Sarah & Peter Malanchuk, Scott Ellis, Gulam Zade — Association of Corporate Counsel, Tennessee