Lawmakers File, Advance Abortion Bills - Articles

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Posted by: Paul Burch on Jan 23, 2024

Two new abortion-related bills have been filed in the state House. According to the Tennessean, Majority Leader William Lamberth, R-Portland, and Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson, R-Franklin, have introduced HB 1663/SB1834, which would allow juries to impose the death penalty on adults convicted of raping a child under 12, with certain aggravating factors. The paper reports that the bill passed a first legislative hurdle in the House Criminal Justice Subcommittee by voice vote. In addition, Rep. Jason Zachary, R-Knoxville, filed HB1895 to establish an "abortion trafficking" felony for adults who help pregnant minors get an out-of-state abortion without parental permission. The legislation would establish a new Class C felony and carry three to 15 years in prison for an adult that "recruits, harbors or transports" a pregnant minor for the purposes of receiving an out-of-state abortion or for getting abortion medication. According to reporting by the Tennessean, parents or legal guardians would be exempt. The legislation also provides for a civil action against a person committing the offense of abortion trafficking of a minor for the wrongful death of an unborn child if the abortion takes place. A similar law in Idaho recently was blocked temporarily by a federal judge. That legislation needs a Senate sponsor before it can advance.