Monday, January 24, 2022

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Where Did the Term 'Gerrymander' Come From?

As a direct result of two decisions more than six decades ago —Baker v. Carr and Reynolds v. Sims — the Tennessee General Assembly (and all other state legislatures) engage in the process known as redistricting once every 10 years. It's called gerrymandering, but do you know why? Nashville lawyer John P. Williams has the unusual story … and why it turns out we are all pronouncing it incorrectly.

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The Hurdles Faced by Recovering Lawyers Can Be Overcome

"Lawyers are human. They are subject to all the entrapments of the human condition: desire, greed, power, lust, and yes, addiction. These enticements can lead a lawyer down the wrong path," Kevin Balkwill writes, "and often the path is distant and dark and the walk does not end for a very long time. At the other end of the path, a lawyer can find him or herself on the wrong side of a disciplinary complaint that could include harm to a client, the courts, the legal system, and most certainly themselves and their family." Read about what a lawyer can expect to go through on the difficult —but possible — road to recovery from addiction and the road to license reinstatement.

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Binding Arbitration and Family Law: Not in Tennessee

Under the current state of Tennessee law, binding arbitration cannot be used to resolve any portion of a family law dispute. There have been recent proposals, and ongoing negotiations, to permit family law cases to be submitted for binding arbitration, but, as of the publishing of this column, nothing has been altered, Marlene Eskind Moses and Ben Russ write in their recent column. "Nonetheless, arbitration in family law cases is becoming increasingly more common throughout the country and is a realistic possibility in the near future in Tennessee."

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Passages: We Honor Members Who Have Died

Tennessee Bar Association members who have died recently are memorialized. In this issue we honor James “Jim” Cannon Burns Jr., Gerald Leighton Ewell Sr., Shelburne Ferguson Jr., the Hon. Alan E. Glenn, Sean Hunt, Charles Robert Perkins, Charles B. Reasor Jr., James Anthony “Jim” Ridley III, Stephen Kenneth Rush, D. Bruce Shine, Robert E. “Bob” Simpson and Donn Alan Southern.

 TBA Annual Convention


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