Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021

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Not-So-Conscientious Objections: Tennessee’s New Law to Combat Vaccine Mandates

If you are uncertain about what employers can and cannot do regarding COVID-19 precautions — namely vaccines and masks — under new laws, this article is for you. The Tennessee Bar Journal's "The Law at Work" column by Edward G. Phillips and Brandon L. Morrow, will appear in the January/February issue but the topic is so timely and important that we are sending it to you early. As they write in the column, "this is a developing story," which they will follow closely, updating the online article as there are changes.

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Well-Being: When Caring for Others, You Must Put Yourself First

"This year is another great year to experience some post-traumatic growth," Mary Griffin writes in the current well-being-focused Tennessee Bar Journal. "That’s right. Not only post-traumatic stress but also for post-traumatic growth." A cancer survivor herself, she explains why it's important to take care of yourself first. Whether you are the caregiver or have a relative or friend who is, as a lawyer you are a resource with significant skills that are translatable to this crisis situation." She also gives helpful gift ideas to give those who are caring for others.

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Well-Being: The Importance of Sleep

Nashville lawyer and chair of the TBA's Well-Being Committee Joanna McCracken writes about her experience balancing the need for more productivity against the need for more sleep. It turns out, sleep is the key to more productivity. Learn more about the mechanics of sleep and why you likely need more of it, part of the TBJ's special Well-Being issue

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Watching for Signs of a Client's Suicide Intent: An Ethical Obligation for Lawyers

Suicide is an unsettling topic that many attorneys dismiss as not being relevant to their practice. But as Kelly and Matt Frere explain in this month's column, "it is relevant because most attorneys — no matter their practice specialty — have at least one client older than 65. The elderly as a group comprises approximately 12% of the U.S. population, but suicides by the elderly are 18% of all suicides." Read what to look for in your clients' well-being and safety.

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Year End CLE Offerings Include 15-Hour Package, Prizes!

As part of the TBA’s Year End CLE, you can take all of your 2021 CLE online with our 15 Hour Package! The program offers a mix of popular ethics, wellness, diversity and legislative updates and offers 12 dual hours and three general hours to complete your annual requirement. This month’s Year End CLE event provides a range of packages, on-demand courses and live virtual programs as well as giveaways made possible by sponsors Clio and Geico. Those who purchase a course in December will be entered in our weekly drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card. The sooner you purchase a course the more chances you will have to win!

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For over 15 years, LawPay has been helping lawyers get paid faster. In fact, 62% of bills sent via LawPay are paid the same day. For valuable industry insights and to learn how you can enjoy faster, more reliable payments, connect with the legal payments experts. Schedule your demo at >>

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