Tuesday, Oct. 19, 2021

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IP Considerations for Non-Fungible Tokens: Protecting Tokenized, Virtual Assets in the Crypto World

"In the legal field, an increasing number of attorneys have had to wrestle with technological concepts stemming from the use or implementation of cryptocurrency," write Dominic Rota and Grant Ford in this exclusive TBJ Select article. "Whether it concerns asset valuations in estate planning or divorce proceedings, intellectual property protection through patents, copyrights or trademarks, or securities guidance for public offerings of digital currency, there is no doubt that cryptocurrency has invoked fundamental questions of certain facets of legal principles. But just as legal practitioners have begun to feel somewhat comfortable with the impact of crypto-technology, a new technological wrinkle has been thrown into the mix of things." The latest trend in the digital sphere is the non-fungible token, or “NFT" — and you likely need to know about them.

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When a Baseball Movie Analogy Works: Tennessee Is In Top Trust Spot

Tennessee corporate trustees, appropriately seeking ways to increase revenue, have embraced an “if you build it, they will come” strategy of developing business through Tennessee trust law features, writes Knoxville lawyer Eddy Smith in the current Tennessee Bar Journal. The state continued its effort to be recognized as a top U.S. trust jurisdiction when Gov. Lee signed into law 2021 Tenn. Pub. Acts 420. The act, Smith writes, "goes far in supporting Tennessee’s goal of becoming the preeminent trust jurisdiction in the South, if not the entire U.S. However, lawyers and trustees must be wary of a handful of potential traps in the form of unclear provisions or public policy concerns."

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It's Complicated: 'Day on Torts' Explains

The question of where a suit can be filed for a products liability claim for a person injured in Tennessee against an out-of-state product manufacturer requires more than an analysis of Tennessee’s venue statute. The manufacturer must also be subject to personal jurisdiction — general or specific — in Tennessee. You know John Day has the details .

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A Breathing Exercise to Ease Your Stress, Plus a Discount On an App

"Breathe in, breathe out," TBA President Sherie Edwards writes. "Within seconds of birth, we begin to breathe. But do you truly know how to breathe?" Give this simple breathing exercise a try. Edwards suggests this way to handle the stress you are facing, and points readers to a $40 discount to the Calm app, as another benefit of your TBA membership.

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TBA Honored for Website, Publications; Kolar Receives Top Award

The TBA took top honors last week during the National Association of Bar Executives Communications Section’s Virtual Workshop. In the category of Authored Article, the TBA won for the January/February 2021 Tennessee Bar Journal piece “Stress, Law & Happiness: New TLAP Director Offers Hope Past the Pain” by Journal editor Suzanne Craig Robertson. In the category of Special Projects, the TBA won for the 2020 redesign of the TBA.org website and new association management system supported by Member Central. In the category of Excellence in Regular Publications, the TBA won for the Tennessee Bar Journal and sister publication TBJ Select. In addition, TBA’s Assistant Executive Director Barry Kolar was named the 2021 recipient of the E.A. “Wally” Richter Leadership Award. The award is given annually for outstanding achievement in the field of communications, extraordinary service to NABE colleagues, and distinguished leadership of the section. Kolar leads the TBA’s communications team and served as chair of the NABE Communications Section in 2014.

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Spark: We CAN Do This

2021, are you seriously still doing this? Dear readers, take a look at this quick inspiration for your busy day to help get you through it. And 2022, we are coming for you.

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LawPay Makes It Easy to Get Paid

For over 15 years, our partners at LawPay have been helping lawyers get paid faster and more reliably. In fact, 62% of bills sent via LawPay are paid the same day. As a proud Tennessee Bar Association member benefit provider, LawPay is committed to supporting the success of attorneys by providing valuable billing and payment resources and making it easy to offer clients multiple, convenient payment options to drive firm cash flow. Get started with LawPay now.

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