Thursday, July 22, 2021

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The Effect of Bankruptcy on Rule 69.04: Guarding a Judgment’s Fountain of Youth

In the current Tennessee Bar Journal, Jackson lawyer Jonathan Steen writes about Tennessee judgments, which are good for 10 years. Rule 69.04, amended by the Tennessee Supreme Court in 2016, makes the process now even easier to extend the life of a judgment. Read "Guarding a Judgment’s Fountain of Youth: Consider the Effect of Bankruptcy on Rule 69.04" to learn the details of how to use that effectively.

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Lawyers Asking for Help? New Column Shows Us How

"The truth is that most of us are not good at asking for help," Buddy Stockwell writes in his new TBJ column. "For one thing, there is the myth that it makes a person appear weak. In fact, however, asking for help empowers the person because it allows them to face chronic problems head-on, instead of being stuck in a quagmire of secret misery. … Asking for help is still not easy though, especially regarding personal problems, and lawyers and judges are particularly resistant to the concept of seeking help. We are not comfortable surrendering to anything." Stockwell, who is the executive director of the Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Program, will write a column in every other issue. 

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So Many Volunteer Leaders ... So Little Time

If you've wondered who all is running the show for the TBA's many Sections and Committees, take a look at this month's "Section Showcase!" These volunteers work countless hours to bring programming and camaraderie to the legal community, in subject areas from Administrative Law to Tort & Insurance Practice, and from the Access to Justice Committee to the Tennessee Bar Journal Editorial Board. Thank you to these members for leading these important groups this year.

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Passages: We Honor Members Who Have Died

Tennessee Bar Association members who have died recently are memorialized in each issue of the Journal. In this issue, read about the lives and deaths of Jacky O. Bellar, Richard A. "Rick" Buerger, Stephen Eugene Cox Sr., former TBA President F. Evans Harvill, Warner Hodges, Michael O. Hornback, Harold Franklin Johnson, Paul Revere Leitner, Arnold Edwin Perl, James Kenneth Porter, Arnold M. Weiss and the Hon. Harry Walker Wellford.

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LawPay Makes It Easy to Get Paid

For over 15 years, TBA member advantage partner LawPay has been helping lawyers get paid faster and more reliably. In fact, 62% of bills sent via LawPay are paid the same day. For valuable billing and payment resources and to learn how you can enjoy faster, more reliable payments get started here >>

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