Wednesday, January 20, 2021

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'5 Greatest' Movies? Let's Agree to Disagree

When TBJ Select published Steve Barton's article, "The 5 Greatest Legal/Courtroom Dramas of All Time," last month, we didn't expect everyone to agree with his assessment. But it turns out that there are a LOT of opinions about it -- but also it showed us that there was an appetite to talk about something less serious (although many of you would argue that IS very serious). Take a look at the of this super-unscientific straw poll!

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New Workplace Accommodation Requirements Apply to Pregnant Workers

Gov. Lee last summer signed into law Public Chapter 745, known as the Tennessee Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. The PWFA took effect on Oct. 1, 2020, and requires covered employers to engage in the interactive process and evaluate reasonable accommodation requests for employees who have “medical needs arising from pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions.” How does the PWFA fill gaps left open by Title VII and the ADA? Edward G. Phillips and Brandon L. Morrow answer that question and more in their new TBJ column, "The Law at Work." 




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Project to Focus on Updating 'Archaic' Court Forms

Laura Revolinski and Gordon Bonnyman argue in the new Tennessee Bar Journal that making the civil justice system accessible to pro se litigants must include updating archaic court forms, which are "frozen in language prescribed by antebellum statutes." Cheatham County General Sessions Judge Philip Maxey observes that “the terminology on the forms is confusing to ordinary citizens. It is difficult for people to understand that a paper that says ‘detainer’ actually means ‘eviction.’” Modernization of the forms is the first objective of a new project aimed at improving the experience of self-represented litigants in the General Sessions Courts. Read more about the efforts in this article.

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Elephant Rescue Was Focus of Animal Law Program

The Tennessee Bar Association Animal Law Section recently reassembled the team that saved Nosey, a 38-year-old circus elephant who spent more than 30 years in captivity before being seized by authorities. Nosey was found living in squalor, showing signs of neglect and abuse. The program detailed a firsthand account of the legal battle surrounding the animal’s rescue, and to provide members with commentary on legal issues pertaining to animals in captivity. Read about this amazing effort (Spoiler: it works out for Nosey!).

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