Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2020

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NEW: Don't Be the Victim of an Email Scam

In this article special to TBJ Select, Memphis attorney Robert Meyers shares his experience as a near-victim of a recent email scam targeting lawyers. He explains how it happened, what to do once a scam is discovered, and what you can watch for so you won't be a victim.

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Mechanics and Recent Developments in Federal Removal

"While a plaintiff decides where to initially file its case, the defendant is not always subject to those whims — or strategic choices — of a plaintiff," Gil Shuette writes in his article in the recent Tennessee Bar Journal. "One such opportunity for defendants to weigh in on the forum choice is the federal doctrine of removal." This article focuses on the mechanics of removal, and recent developments in the area of federal removal.

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Whoops! That Should've Been the Lawrence County Courthouse

In our September/October cover article, "Thurgood Marshall in Tennessee: His Defense of Accused Rioters, His Near-Miss with a Lynch Mob," an incorrect photo was used for the Lawrence County Courthouse of the 1940s (correctly pictured here). Apologies to Lawrence County, as well as to Marshall County, which is the courthouse that was pictured and misidentified. And if you liked this article, you'll love this 15-lecture podcast-style audio course, also by author David L. Hudson Jr. In this course, Hudson goes into more detail about Justice Marshall, following the trajectory that led Marshall to become a transformational counsel for the NAACP and in 1967 the first African American Supreme Court Justice. You’ll understand why Justice Elena Kagan has called him “the most important lawyer of the 20th century.” Check out "Thurgood Marshall: Mr. Civil Rights and the Fight for Racial Justice."

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Landmark 'Bostock v. Clayton County' Gives an Expansion of Title VII

Columnists Edward Phillips and Brandon Morrow look at a recent landmark consolidated case of Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, in their column, "The Law at Work." They write: "Justice Gorsuch, writing for the 6-3 majority, held an employer who fires an employee because the employee is homosexual or transgender violates Title VII’s prohibition on sex-based discrimination. How did the Supreme Court reach this landmark decision? How far-reaching is Bostock?" Read the column in the September/October TBJ to find out.

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Statutory Construction Comes to Tort Law

"In the last 44 years, and especially in the last 12, the Tennessee General Assembly has enacted scores of laws limiting the rights of those who want to bring tort claims," John Day writes in his column this month. "The General Assembly has consistently chipped away at the right of an injured person to bring a tort claim, succeed on the claim or, if the claim is successful, collect a full measure of damages." Read his case for these claims in this issue of the Tennessee Bar Journal.


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