Tuesday, August 4, 2020

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Remote Signing: One Way to Implement Executive Order 52

Since Gov. Bill Lee first issued a pandemic-related executive order to deal with the need to gather signatories, witnesses and notaries public together in one room to achieve the proper execution of certain formal legal instruments, Tennessee lawyers have been studying the instructions provided in the orders to ensure they were meeting the requirements. Memphis lawyer Charles Key is one of those lawyers and his article offers some tips and tools of one way to use these executive orders. To find out if other lawyers have developed other processes, we're asking you to fill out this form to share your experiences and insights, so others may benefit.

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Electronic Wills and Remote Execution: Necessary Changes for Tennessee After COVID-19

"The recent coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) exposed deficiencies in Tennessee’s estate planning laws," Trey Woodall and Macayla Heath write in this timely article. They explain why our laws should be capable of adapting to emergencies like these before they emerge, laying out why the Tennessee General Assembly should pass legislation recognizing electronic wills and the remote execution of them by electronic presence of the testator and witnesses.

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TBA's Women Leaders Highlighted this Month

In August we'll celebrate the 100th anniversary of women achieving the vote, and other accomplishments. Watch TBAToday every Friday this month, as the Tennessee Bar Association highlights its female leaders. This week kicks off with the first woman to hold the office of president, the Hon. Pam Reeves, and also the second, Kathryn Reed Edge.

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Did You Do Something Great? Add it to TBJ's Online Success!

The Tennessee Bar Journal's Success! section is now fully online and ready to publish your news immediately about career changes, awards and other notable achievements. Go to www.tba.org/submit_success to enter your news. Entries will appear online at www.tba.org/success_news after approval and will be available for sharing to Linkedin. Of course your successes can still appear in the pages of the Journal with a Professional Announcement. Check out this and other advertising options or contact Stacey Shrader Joslin.


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