Thursday, April 24, 2020

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Law-Related Pandemic Tools Pack the Early-Release May TBJ

The May issue of the Tennessee Bar Journal is online today — one week early — in an effort to bring you the latest law-related updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. In it you'll find ways to "work through the pandemic," with links to the TBA's pandemic resources page and results from a recent member survey about lawyers' common concerns, help from the Tennessee Lawyers Assistance Program — and more. 

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It's Going to Be Okay

"As your TBA president, I have had a front-row seat and occasional voice at the table as important policy decisions have been made to guide our judicial system and profession through this pandemic,"  Sarah Y. Sheppeard writes in this issue. "You will see from the articles in this edition the many steps that have been taken by or with input from your TBA to deal with the upheaval that COVID-19 has caused. … I find hope in the many thing for which I am thankful, hope that we will get through this together."

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COVID-19 Times: Witnessing Documents, Paid Leave, Force Majeure and Child Custody

One of the big issues that came up with social distancing was how to handle having documents witnessed and notarized. Knoxville lawyer Newman Bankston writes about what the solutions are. Edward R. Phillips and Brandon L. Morrow detail how to navigate the new paid-leave mandates, plus read about the options for using force majeure. Kaleb Byars writes about what to do about child custody in this uncertain time, and you can take a look at what some of your colleagues' home offices look like. 

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TBA Health Insurance: Enrollment Now Open

Summer enrollment in the TBA Group Health Insurance Plan is now open. This affordable and quality association group health plan is brought to you by Humana and provides rates that could be as much as 30% less than what you are paying. You can learn more about plan options and eligibility requirements or get an online quote now. There will be a separate renewal period this fall for 2021 coverage.

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Torts, International PreNups and Inspiration

John Day writes about an unusual case decided by the Court of Appeals, "an interesting mix of the law of comparative fault and the law of summary judgment," in his column this month. Marlene Eskind Moses and Manuel Benjamin Russ explain what you need to know before setting up an international prenuptial agreement. And for much-needed inspiration, get legal writing advice from the great William Zinsser and check out this dad, Stuart Burkhalter, who collaborated on a book with his daughters

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