Wednesday, February 12, 2020

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Who Controls the Airspace? Issues Increase as Drones Fill Tennessee’s Skies

Drones, or as they are known in most statutes, Unmanned Aerial Systems, are consuming Tennessee’s airspace at a dramatically increasing rate. In October 2019, Federal Express announced that a drone, for the first time, delivered a package to a person’s home in the United States. Competitor UPS recently announced that it had delivered prescription drugs to someone’s home, via drone.  

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Criminal Justice Reform: The Time Has Come

I overheard a conversation awhile back in which a lawyer said, “If the ACLU, the Koch brothers and the Beacon Center are all supporting it, it needs to happen.” That caught my attention. What is he talking about? By now you probably have heard — reform of our criminal justice system is receiving broad-based support, and that’s a very good thing.

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Runaways, Coffles and Fancy Girls: A History of Slavery in Tennessee

Bill Carey in the introduction to his book, Runaways, Coffles and Fancy Girls: A History of Slavery in Tennessee, admits that he did not know much about slavery in Tennessee prior to working on the book even though he has written about Tennessee history for years. The two most well-known facts about slavery in Tennessee:

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Getting Old: Financial Myth vs. Reality

Let’s get the proverbial one-liners out of the way first: “At my age, flowers scare me.” (George Burns) “I’m so old they’ve canceled my blood type.” (Bob Hope) And, every senior citizen’s favorite, “Old age ain’t no place for sissies.” (Bette Davis)

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