Saturday, August 31, 2024

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Privileges and Protections: Tennessee and Sixth Circuit Law: by Todd Presnell and Kristi Arth

John A. Day reviews Privileges and Protections: Tennessee and Sixth Circuit Law, by Nashville lawyers E. Todd Presnell and Kristi W. Arth, writing, "[T]he practicing lawyer needs a comprehensive book on the subject: when you need to know the law of privilege, you must be able to rely on what you read and the source must educate you to what you don’t know you don’t know. This all-inclusive book provides a lawyer with that assurance and that new knowledge."

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The Justice Frank F. Drowota Trust to Help Fill the Justice Gap

Hon. Sharon Lee and Buck Lewis introduce The Justice Frank F. Drowota Trust, which will provide supplemental funds to direct providers of legal services to Tennessee’s low-income citizens. With funding from this section 501(c) charitable trust, legal aid organizations will have more resources to serve more individuals with their unmet civil legal needs. Learn how the trust is working to help close the justice gap.

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Licensure & Discipline

Read about the lawyers who have recently been reinstated, disbarred, suspended, censured or transferred their licenses to disability inactive status.

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Scandal in Martin: Hall Moody Institute v. Frances Copass

In this TBJ Select exclusive, Don Vowell takes readers back to Martin, Tennessee, in the early 1900s and a case that went all the way to the Tennessee Supreme Court. Frances Copass was fired from her teaching position at Hall Moody Institute for, officially, breach of contract. The court was confronted by what it called the most difficult and delicate question that had ever been presented for its consideration: what is excessive indulgence in social functions and recreations?

TBA Board to Vote on Proposed Bylaws Changes

At its fall meeting on Sept. 28, the TBA Board of Governors will vote on proposed amendments to the association’s bylaws. The changes, recommended by the board’s Operations Committee, would update the office address of the TBA (Section 1), update the method of delivering notices of meetings (Sections 8 and 20), clarify what constitutes a quorum for Board of Governors meetings (Section 12), and modify the process for the election of officers and governors (Sections 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 and 46). Download a redline version that shows the proposed changes. Comments on the changes should be submitted prior to the fall meeting via email to

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