Friday, April 12, 2024

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Constitutional Challenges in Trial Court: Notice to Attorney General?

One of the most stressful things about the practice of law is that there are too many ways you can make mistakes and ruin a good issue. In this installment of Crime & Punishment, Wade Davies takes a look at an argument about waiver of a constitutional issues. Does a defendant have to provide notice to the Tennessee attorney general in Nashville before proceeding with a claim challenging the constitutionality of a statute?

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Tennessee Bar Association members who have died recently are memorialized.

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Thank You to TBA's Patron Members

Thank you to our Tennessee Bar Association Patron Members. Patron members show their support for programs that assist in the development of the profession and provide meaningful access to justice initiatives such as the TBA tuition assistance program, mentoring program, practice management center, civics education support and online pro bono development. We are grateful for these members who make a difference for others by choosing this “above and beyond” dues level.

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Tickets Now Available for 2024 CCPBI Gala

The 2024 Corporate Counsel Pro Bono Initiative (CCPBI) Gala will be held April 20 in Nashville at the offices of Bass, Berry & Sims, located at the Pinnacle at Symphony Place. Individual tickets are available, and organizations are invited to support the initiative by becoming recognized sponsors. The gala will be a cocktail supper, with live music and a brief presentation, including awarding the inaugural Branham Grants. The CCPBI, a partnership between the TBA Access to Justice Committee, TBA Corporate Counsel Section and the Tennessee Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel, established the grants in honor of long-time access to justice champion Andy Branham, who passed away in 2022. The Branham Grants support pro bono projects designed to provide civil legal resources and support for people with, affected by, or at risk for addiction in Tennessee as well as those in recovery. See photos from last year's event

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