Friday, February 23, 2024

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Justice on the Mississippi: The Golden Age of Steamboats

Russell Fowler takes us on a journey down the Mississippi River during the 19th century, when steamboats were a popular mode of transport and their captains all-powerful in dispensing justice.

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Pushing the Proximity Envelope in NIED Claims

John A. Day considers how the "proximity element" of a bystander negligent infliction of emotional distress (NIED) claim should be applied in cases of child sexual abuse.

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Tennessee Bar Association members who have died recently are memorialized.

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Save the Date for the 2024 TBA Convention

Make plans now to join colleagues from across the state at the TBA’s Annual Convention, set for June 12-15 in Memphis. The event will return to the Peabody Hotel, located in the heart of downtown Memphis with easy access to restaurants and entertainment. Programming is still being planned, but perennial favorites such as the Bench Bar program, Lawyers Lunch and joint event with the Tennessee Judicial Conference will be on the agenda. The Tennessee Lawyers Association for Women, Tennessee Alliance for Black Lawyers and Tennessee Trial Lawyers' Association also will hold meetings and events that week at the Peabody. This year’s theme — “A Bridge to the Future” — will bring compelling CLE programs focused on artificial intelligence and how this rapidly expanding technology will impact the practice of law. Watch for more information coming soon to the event webpage.

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Spot: America's Most Loved Pet Insurance

Macey wants you to know that TBA members now have access to discounted pet insurance through Spot, "America's Most Loved Pet Insurance." Receive up to 90% cash back on eligible veterinary bills for accidents, illnesses and more. Preventative care coverage is also available. There are no restrictions on providers so policy holders can visit any vet in the U.S. or Canada. Participants also have access to a 24/7 pet health helpline at no additional cost. Get your quick, easy and free quote today. Macey belongs to Laura Labenberg, Tennessee Bar Association Young Lawyers Division and Law Student Development Coordinator. Macey can say "I love you" and thinks any unattended food belongs to her.

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