Friday, December 1, 2023

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You Are the Father!: Untangling Custody Rights in Tennessee Between Unmarried Parents

Although the legal concepts of child custody are usually straightforward, for unmarried parents, the execution is complicated because every parent presents unique concerns. Miles Mason explains the process of proving parentage for custody and child support.

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Suicide in the Legal Profession

Suicides continue to devastate the legal profession here in Tennessee. In this installment of "The Buddy System," Buddy Stockwell shares mental health resources and information available to lawyers.

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Nathan Shelby

In Memory of Nathan Shelby

"As we grieve and process the loss of our dear friend, let us transform our grief into a call to action. It is okay that we are not okay, but we must be willing to ask for help when we need it, and we must be ready to listen to our colleagues when they ask. . . . For someone who is used to being the advocate and problem solver, asking for help requires great strength. The more we normalize asking for help, the fewer hearts will break in sudden tragedy." — David H. Veile

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TBA Book Club Is Back with ‘Beale Street Dynasty’

TBA President Jim Barry announced during his installation at the June convention that the next installment of the TBA’s book club would be “Beale Street Dynasty: Sex, Song, and the Struggle for the Soul of Memphis.” Those who have not started reading the book should do so over the holidays! More information will be coming soon about a discussion session in January. Written by Preston Lauterbach, “Beale Street Dynasty” is set between Reconstruction and Prohibition and focuses on the rise and fall of Beale Street. It is told through the life of the south’s first Black millionaire, an ex-slave who built an underworld dynasty in the booming river town and created a space for Black culture to flourish. Get started reading or check out this book review that Knoxville lawyer Nick McCall wrote for the Tennessee Bar Journal in October 2016.

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Licensure & Discipline

Read about the lawyers who have recently been reinstated, disbarred, suspended, censured or transferred their licenses to disability inactive status.

Tennessee Bar Journal

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