Friday, October 20, 2023

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Foreign Subpoenas: A Practical Guide to the UIDDA

With the increasing number of people working remotely and moving from one state to another, litigants are faced with more and more witnesses and evidence located outside of Tennessee. Fortunately, parties with cases pending in Tennessee are easily able to obtain subpoena power over those individuals, entities and the documents in their possession that are relevant to the pending action. John Floyd breaks down the requirements for issuing a subpoena out of state under the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act as well as practical suggestions.

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Goughenour v. Goughenour: Alcohol Prohibition During Parenting Time Affirmed

The Tennessee Court of Appeals has again affirmed and restated that it is well-within a trial court’s discretion under Tennessee Code Annotated § 36-6-406 to place limitations and prohibitions on either or, in some cases, both parents’ ability to consume alcohol during their parenting time. Marlene Eskind Moses and Ansley Owens Tillett discuss how Tennessee trial courts continue to have broad discretion when determining the details of visitation arrangements and parenting plans, and that such discretion is limited only by such factors enumerated in the Tennessee Code and the appropriate application of the same.

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Licensure & Discipline

Read about the lawyers who have recently been reinstated, disbarred, suspended, censured or transferred their licenses to disability inactive status.

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BarBuzz Podcast Features Pro Bono Counsel Linda Warren Seely

Bar Buzz is back with a new episode featuring Linda Warren Seely, pro bono counsel for Butler Snow LLP, interviewed by TBA's Executive Director Sheree Wright. BarBuzz is a monthly show from the TBA Podcast Network that recaps legal happenings from across Tennessee, upcoming events at the bar, attorney shout outs and more. Check out the September episode and discover past shows in the Bar Buzz archive.

Tennessee Bar Journal

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