Friday, October 6, 2023

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100% That Lizzo (Again): Another IP Win

Whether a trademark will be approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office stems, in part, upon an analysis of whether the artist has elevated the phrase to a more memorable statusHillel Frankel examines the precedent-setting decision of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board In re Lizzo and the impact this may have on musical artists and creators who may have further commercial aspirations for their creative intellectual property.

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Tennessee Supreme Court Creates the ‘Colleague Privilege’

The Tennessee Supreme Court recently created a new common law privilege. In this installment of Day on Torts, John Day summarizes the opinions in Borngue ex rel. Hyter v. Chattanooga-Hamilton Cty. Hosp. Authority, and then focuses on addressing the practical implications of it.

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Tennessee Bar Association members who have died recently are memorialized.

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Are Hybrid Law Schools the Future of Legal Education?

Can the academic rigor of the law school education take place in an online environment? In this TBJ Select exclusive, Claire Perez makes the case for hybrid law schools. 

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