Friday, August 11, 2023

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How Can Tennessee Provide Better Oversight for Conservatorships?

Individuals have certain fundamental rights to make decisions regarding their own body and property. In a conservatorship, individuals who lack the capacity to make such decisions have some of those rights removed and given to another person or entity to make those decisions for them. Amy Willoughby Bryant writes that Tennessee can improve conservatorship oversight, and explains that the Davidson County model is a potential solution.

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Aging in the Legal Profession: ‘The Silver Tsunami’

The issue of aging and dementia is rising at unprecedented levels within the legal profession as Baby Boomers rapidly reach retirement age, a challenge which has been on TLAP’s radar screen for over a decade. Lawyers Assistance Programs (LAP) across the nation know that the “Silver Tsunami” is upon us, and Buddy Stockwell writes that most LAPs are rendering effective help to address the many levels of cognitive decline and impairment impacting our aging lawyers and judges.

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Licensure & Discipline

Read about the lawyers who have recently been reinstated, disbarred, suspended, censured or transferred their licenses to disability inactive status.

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Gov. Lee Issues Proclamation, Outlines Priorities for Special Session

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee has issued a proclamation calling for a special legislative session beginning on Aug. 21 to address public safety. In addition to his previously unveiled proposal to provide authority for courts to issue mental health orders of protection — which would temporarily remove guns from those deemed dangerous to themselves or others — Lee identified 17 other areas for legislative action focusing on the safe storage of firearms, mental health services and school safety policies. House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville, has said he would like to see the legislature use the special session to focus on juvenile crime, mentioning bills that would raise the age at which youth can have their records expunged and lowering the age at which they can be tried as adults. WPLN has more on his comments. House Minority Leader Karen Camper, D-Memphis, said she was disappointed with the scope of the special session, saying she was hoping for a "serious discussion about gun reform in Tennessee." The Tennessean has more on reaction from the capitol.

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Turn Your Expertise into a 'Journal' Article

The Tennessee Bar Journal is accepting submissions for publication, so consider writing an article for the TBA’s bi-monthly magazine. Articles should be of interest to Tennessee attorneys — you could detail a new state law or a complicated area of law, or take a larger issue and connect it to what it means for Tennessee attorneys and the justice system. Find a global issue within your particular experience or knowledge and tell about it and how it affects Tennessee law. Take a look at the writer’s guidelines, then write it and send it in!

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Get LawPay by Aug. 31, Pay No Monthly Fee for 3 Months

Learn what 150,000 legal professionals already know: LawPay is the superior solution for secure, streamlined legal payment processing. Why trust your hard-earned dollars to anyone other than the leader in legal payments? LawPay complies with IOLTA guidelines, is vetted by the ABA, and can get you paid 32% faster, saving you 3 billable hours daily. TBA members who sign up by Aug. 31 will get 3 months of no monthly fee + a $150 Visa gift card. See why LawPay users say it’s “the only choice” for your firm. Open your account now!

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