Friday, July 28, 2023

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The Code of Judicial Conduct Meets the Challenge to Judicial Independence in State Courts

We must be cognizant that the principles set forth in the Code of Judicial Conduct give us assurance that judicial independence remains an abiding obligation governing our judges. Walter Kurtz reminds us of the problems facing state judges as they confront contrary influences.

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Getting Clients Without Getting in Trouble: Ethical Rules Which Defense Counsel Think Are Stricter Than They Are

Two ethical rules are often misunderstood in a way that might prevent clients from obtaining counsel of their choice. Criminal defense lawyers often think these rules are more restrictive than they really are. Wade Davies breaks down how both rules apply in both civil and criminal contexts but often arise when criminal defendants are looking for attorneys or exploring changing counsel.

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Fighting to Beat the Odds: A Review of Children of the State

Tennessee Bar Journal Editorial Board member Lynda O. Gilbert reviews Jeff Hobbs' Children of the State, which she says puts readers on an emotional and insightful ride through the American juvenile justice system.

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Collegiate Affirmative Action Programs Restricted by SCOTUS Decision

In this TBJ Select exclusive, Spencer Fane Bone McAllester attorneys Bethany Vanhooser, Sara Naylor and Samuel Jackson look at the recent SCOTUS ruling which finds that the race-based admissions processes at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina are unconstitutional because they violate the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection.

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