Friday, January 13, 2023

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Multiple Choice: Many Factors Can Apply in Choice-of-Law Decisions

In this issue's cover story, James L. Cresswell discusses the history of choice-of-law issues in tort lawsuits in the United States and the current state of the law on this issue in Tennessee.

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Hague Convention Grave Risk Exception and Discretionary Ameliorative Measures

In this issue's Family Matters column, Marlene Eskind Moses and Ansley Owens Tillett break down the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision Golan v. Saada, which interpreted the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, as implemented by the International Child Abduction Remedies Act.

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The President’s Column No Bar President Ever Wants to Write

A Farewell and Thank You to Our Fearless Leader Joycelyn Stevenson

TBA President Tasha Blakney wishes a fond farewell to former Executive Director Joycelyn Stevenson, who has returned to private practice.

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Mentoring Can Be a Mutually Beneficial Relationship

The TBA’s Mentoring Program needs you!

Did you have a mentor when you first started practicing law? Someone you could ask questions of without fear of judgement? Someone who could help you learn how to be a professional? You could be that person for someone else.

The TBA Mentoring Committee, chaired this year by Wes Bryant, designed the TBA Mentoring Program to foster mutually beneficial relationships between the participating attorneys, reduce the isolation experienced by some beginning attorneys, improve the quality of legal services received by clients, place renewed emphasis on the importance of professionalism and generally benefit the legal profession.

One of his goals for the program, Bryant says, is to highlight the importance of mentoring for the overall health of the profession. A local judge told him that the Board of Professional Responsibility anticipates “dealing with more issues from new lawyers in solo practices and rural areas because there’s no one to teach them how to practice law or take some of the burden of just figuring it all out. It’s enormously helpful to have a model for work/life balance when you’re just starting out.” Read more...

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Don’t Leave Your Hard-Earned Money on the Table

One of the toughest challenges lawyers face is getting paid. Data shows law firms offering flexible payment options save 3 billable hours daily, increase profitability by 10%, and receive payments 32% faster. LawPay’s solution allows you to conveniently collect payments — anytime, anywhere. Sign up for LawPay by January 31, and TBA members pay no monthly fees for 3 months! Get started >>

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